User Stories - Sensorica/valuenetwork GitHub Wiki

User Stories

This is a collection of user stories created to provide input to the UI/UX redesign efforts of NRP. This effort is being done as a project within Sensorica.

Reference catalog of functionality in the current NRP.

Person - Projects - Logging Work

  • As a person doing work on more than one process and/or project, I want to be able to easily find where to log my work, so that I don't waste time looking where to log.

  • As a person doing work on more than one process and/or project, I want to quickly see an overview of everywhere I am involved, so I can plan my time and efforts accordingly.

  • As a person doing non-process work ("overhead" work), I want to be able to very easily log that work, so that I can eventually share in rewards coming in to the network.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to easily log my work, so that I don't have to spend extra time on that when I can be doing "real work", so that I can earn rewards when the project makes income.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to log my work in the context of the project's plan, so I don't have to enter everything about what I am doing, rather just log against the plan.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want others to log their inputs that involve my work (usage, consumption, and citations), so that the resource flows are created properly, so that I can also share in income from their work which my efforts helped.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to be able to find the inputs I use easily and for that information to be accurate, so that all the resource flows are created properly, so that everyone receives compensation for their contributions fairly.

  • As a person participating in a project, I want to be able to peer evaluate our work and make sure no one is cheating or has made a mistake, so that it is fair for everyone and the network maintains its principles.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to be able to choose if my work is to be part of a value equation distribution or not (in case my work is paid by other funding), so that all the work is recorded accurately so that we can best understand the work it takes for our deliverables.

Coordinating the Project Work

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to be able to commit to a planned task so that everybody knows I plan on doing that.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to be able to invite others (perhaps with certain skills) to help me with the work, so that it can get done faster and/or better.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to be able to add to the plan, so that my ideas help make the plan more accurate and useful.

  • As a member of the network, I want to be notified of (and/or be able to easily see) what work is going on, so that I can choose to participate if I like.

  • As a person doing work on a project deliverable, I want to be able to discuss aspects of the plan and people's commitments, so that it isn't just first-come-first-served and that we can make better decisions about who does what work as a group.

  • As a project team or as a team coordinator or responsible person, we want to get an overview of the current work in our project, so that we can easily see the status and any potential problems.

  • As a web browser who is potentially interested in joining a project, I want to be able to quickly grasp the who, what, when, where, why, and status of a project. I need to have a clear call-to-action with concise instructions to know how to quickly join, participate, and communicate within the project.

Person - Projects - Logging Financial and Material Transfers

  • As a person making a purchase or a financial or material contribution, I want to easily log that contribution, so that I can earn rewards when the project has income.

  • As a person working on a project, I want all the purchased resources to be logged in a very timely manner (whether they were contributions or not), so that I can use or consume them in a process I am working on.


  • As a project team, we want to be able to distribute income in any way we choose, so that we can democratically decide this based on our needs and wishes.

  • As a person who received a distribution(s), I want to allocate that distribution back into the network or a project, so that my distributions are used as I want.

  • As a person who received a distribution(s), I want to get a payout for myself easily, so that I can get the income I need.

Role system see wiki page

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to see different types of roles that I can subscribe to, in projects or in support activities.

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to see what roles other affiliates play.

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to understand what others expect from me if I commit to a role, in a project or in a support activity.

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to see what roles other affiliates play.

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to see a role map for the entire OVN.

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to use roles in value equations and governance equations.

  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to evaluate how well someone performs in a role, and allow others to do the same, and compile that input as a dimension of reputation.

Roles should be emergent, see more on the wiki, link above.


  • As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to see in one place what is relevant to me, so that I don't have to look around in the software.

  • As a planner, I want to be able to create work plans from recipes that are already set up to reflect the type of work I want to happen, so that it is really easy to create plans.

  • As a planner, I want to be able to create work plans one-off in any way I see fit, so that planning does not have to follow pre-set patterns.

  • As a person working in an exchange firm, I want to be able to create orders and sales information for everything I sell that was made in the context of the network, so that the work to create the products/services happens to fulfil the order, and the complete flow is created correctly.

  • As a person working in an exchange firm, I want to be able to distribute the income easily, so that the money will flow correctly into the network with a portion going to the exchange firm.

  • As a customer or client, I want to have clear visibility into the work being done for me, so that I can understand what my money (or other reciprocal resource) is going towards.