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This is a possible implementation of value network accounting. Value network accounting is being developed in collaboration with [SENSORICA] (http://www.sensorica.co/), which is one possible implementation of the [Open Value Network model] (http://valuenetwork.referata.com/wiki/Main_Page).

See also the OVN wiki, where SENSORICA and other organizations that use the NRP-VAS document their experience.

Join the conversation on gitter, or on the OVNi mailing list

Connect with others who are enthusiastic about NRP-VAS at www.ovn.space

NOTE: if you do work on the NRP-VAS you can log your time in this process (in SENSORICA's NRP). The promisse is that when the SENSORICA OVN will generate a surplus it will be distributed to those who contribute to infrastructure development.

Main sections

[Concepts] (https://github.com/valnet/valuenetwork/wiki/Concepts)



Recipe Types

Recipes and planning

Value Streams

Value Equations

Resource Types vs Resources

Mapping between ERP and NRP



Networks of networks



We need help!


[Why do we need a value accounting system] (http://multitudeproject.blogspot.ca/2014/01/why-do-we-need-value-accounting-system.html) - blog post on Multitude

Value accounting as defined within the Open Value Network model - on OVN wiki