ZotPonics Class Documentation - Senior-Design-ZotPonics/ZotPonicsRaspPi GitHub Wiki
Below shows the control flow diagram for how the run function works
This function helps run the main control block logic for your ZotPonics hydroponics system.
simulateAll[bool]: If True, It turns all the other boolean parameters to True.
temperSim[bool]: If True, just return 0.0 for the the temperature data.
humidSim[bool]: If True, just return 0.0 for the the humidity data.
baseLevelSim[bool]: If True, just return 0.0 for the the base level data.
plantHeightSim: If True, just return 0.0 for the plant height data
demoMode: If True, the program will not collect sensor data or run "APPLY GROWTH FACTORS LOGIC"