Triage Meeting January 27, 2022 Release 2.6 - Seneca-CDOT/telescope GitHub Wiki

2.6 Triage: Thursday, January 27th, 2022

Priorities - let's get these PRs reviewed ASAP!
Francesco - Add support for expo mobile dev
Tue - Mobile UX/UI accordion behavior improvement


  1. Turborepo Docs Francesco will set up a meeting and explain to a few people, Tue said he can help
  2. Supabase Docs Duke will run a meeting and explain Supabase
  3. RN Documentation James Mai will lead

New PRs under 2.6

  1. Renovate not working under './tools'
  2. Avatar initials should only use letters

What we removed from 2.6

  1. See if we can use Cloudflare