Exploit Exercises Nebula Level 04 - SemilleroSeguridadInformatica/Sem-Security GitHub Wiki

Exploit Exercises Nebula - Level 04


This level requires you to read the token file, but the code restricts the files that can be read. Find a way to bypass it :).

To do this level, log in as level04 account with the password level04. Files for this level can be found in /home/flag04.

Source code

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
  char buf[1024];
  int fd, rc;

  if(argc == 1) {
    printf("%s [file to read]\n", argv[0]);

  if(strstr(argv[1], "token") != NULL) {
    printf("You may not access '%s'\n", argv[1]);

  fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
  if(fd == -1) {
    err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to open %s", argv[1]);

  rc = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if(rc == -1) {
    err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to read fd %d", fd);

  write(1, buf, rc);
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