y tank.md - Seliverstov-S-A/2019-highload-dht GitHub Wiki


1. ammo with unique keys PUT's

(line(1, 2000, 3m))

line1. Stop to be stable on ~778 rps

(line(1, 430, 1m) const(430, 4m))

const1. == 460 rps. 98% ~~ 60 ms.

2. ammo with 10% existed keys PUT's

(line(1, 2000, 3m))

line2. stop to be stable on ~840 rps

(line(1, 600, 1m) const(600, 4m))

const2. 840 - 840*0.3 ~= 500 rps. 98% ~~ 57 ms.

3. ammo with exit Val keys GET's

(line(1, 2000, 3m))

line3. stop to be stable on ~912 rps

(line(1, 590, 1m) const(590, 4m))

const3. 912 - 912*0.3 ~= 611 rps. 98% ~~ 70 ms.

4. ammo with last exit Val keys GET's

(line(1, 2000, 3m))

line4. stop to be stable on ~878 rps

(line(1, 500, 1m) const(500, 4m))

const4. 878 - 878*0.3 ~= 620 rps. 98% ~~ 65 ms.

5. ammo with mixed GET's && PUT's

(line(1, 2000, 3m))

line5. stop to be stable on ~889 rps

(line(1, 500, 1m) const(500, 4m))

const5. 889 - 889*0.3 ~= 600 rps. 98% ~~ 100 ms.