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DankTech is an attempt to recreate the Dank Storage mod, /dank/null and OpenBlocks /dev/null in the form of a plugin.


The plugin currently features:

  • 9 tiers of Dank Packs. Each Tier has additional slots available inside it and each slot, in turn, has more space for items.
  • Automatically moving picked up items into the relevant pack.
  • Voiding for any items over the slot's limit.
  • Withdrawl of items 1, by stack, by a full inventory
  • Input of all matching items in inventory
  • Dropping stacks into the world directly from the pack
  • Hopping items out of the Dank by placing it into a hopper
  • Using blocks inside dank to build



A big shout out to the owners of mct.tantrum.org who let me test on their server even once it was clear I barely knew what I was doing! <3