How to use Docker locally to run a copy of the Prod Database - SeedCompany/cord-docs GitHub Wiki

  • First go to the root folder of your cord-api-v3 project in the terminal

  • Next make sure you have a sibling file in cord-api-v3 at the root level called "docker-compose.override.yml" with the following contents

    version: '3.7'
        # Mount and persist database data
          - ./data:/var/lib/neo4j/data
        # memory Settings
          NEO4J_dbms_memory_transaction_total_max: 2.0GB
  • Start the db using docker-compose up db; if this works then you have a working container (otherwise troubleshoot)

  • Stop the db using docker-compose down. You can open a second terminal to do this or press control + c in the current terminal and then run the command

  • In order to do the next step, you will need the AWSCLI installed. Can run brew list in your terminal to verify it's installed. After installing then you can copy an old version of the db down from AWS by running the script below (copy and paste in your terminal) ; make sure you replace the two instances of {ask_for_path} below with the real path after asking another dev for it

    latestBackupPath=$(aws s3 ls s3://{ask_for_path}/ --recursive | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $4 }')
    backupFile=$(basename $latestBackupPath)
    aws s3 cp s3://{ask_for_path}/$latestBackupPath $dumps/$backupFile
  • Run the following command to unzip the file and expose the .backup file needed

        tar -xf $dumps/*.tar.gz -C $dumps
  • View the /data/dumps directory to verify that your .backup file is there; it should look something like this: neo4j-0000-00-00T00-00-00.backup

  • Run the following to start a NEO4J shell

        dco run db /bin/bash
  • Run the following script to extract the copied db and restore it within your docker db instance; make sure to replace {filename} below with the actual filename from your /data/dumps directory

        bin/neo4j-admin database restore --overwrite-destination=true --from-path=./data/dumps/{filename}.backup neo4j
  • Note this last step could take up to 30 minutes or so depending on your local environment

  • After this completes you can type exit to leave the neo4j shell

  • Run the following to remove the copy from the /data/dumps directory

        rm -rf $dumps/*
  • Now you can fire up the database within your Docker container

        docker-compose up db
  • At this point you should be able to start cord-api-v3 and cord-field successfully, and then log into your localhost as admin