Database Schema - SeedCompany/cord-docs GitHub Wiki
Database Schema
flowchart LR
%% Interfaces
Engagement -.- LanguageEngagement & InternshipEngagement
FileNode -.- Directory & File & FileVersion
PeriodicReport -.- NarrativeReport & FinancialReport & ProgressReport
Changeset -.-> ProjectChangeRequest
%% Relationships
User -- knownLanguage --> Language
User -- organization --> Organization
User -- location --> Location
Language -- ethnologue --> EthnologueLanguage
Project -- engagement --> Engagement
Project -- budget --> Budget
Budget -- record --> BudgetRecord
BudgetRecord -- organization --> Organization
Budget -- universalTemplateFileNode --> File
Project -- member --> ProjectMember
ProjectMember -- user --> User
Engagement -- ceremony --> Ceremony
LanguageEngagement -- language --> Language
LanguageEngagement -- PartnershipProducingMedium --> Partnership
LanguageEngagement -- pnpNode --> File
LanguageEngagement -- product --> Product
Product -- produces --> Producible
Product -- unspecifiedScripture --> UnspecifiedScripturePortion
Product -- scriptureReferences --> ScriptureRange
InternshipEngagement -- intern --> User
InternshipEngagement -- mentor --> User
InternshipEngagement -- countryOfOrigin --> Location
LanguageEngagement -- growthPlanNode --> File
Project -- report --> NarrativeReport & FinancialReport
Engagement -- report --> ProgressReport
PeriodicReport -- reportFileNode --> File
Project -- rootDirectory --> Directory
Project -- primaryLocation --> Location
Project -- marketingLocation --> Location
Project -- otherLocations --> Location
Project -- fieldRegion --> FieldRegion
Project -- owningOrganization --> Organization
FileVersion -- parent --> File
File -- parent ---> Directory
FileNode -- createdBy --> User
Location -- fundingAccount --> FundingAccount
Location -- defaultFieldRegion --> FieldRegion
Project -- partnership --> Partnership
Partnership -- partner --> Partner
Partnership -- agreementNode ---> File
Partnership -- mouNode ---> File
Partner -- organization --> Organization
Partner -- pointOfContact --> User
FieldRegion -- zone --> FieldZone
FieldRegion -- director --> User
FieldZone -- director --> User
BaseNode --> Property
User -- pinned --> BaseNode
BaseNode -- post --> Post
ProgressReport -- progress --> ProductProgress
Product -- progress --> ProductProgress
ProductProgress -- step --> StepProgress
ProgressReport -- summary --> ProgressSummary
Project -- changeset --> ProjectChangeRequest
BaseNode -- changeset --> Changeset
Changeset -- changeset --> Property
User -- education --> Education
User -- unavailability --> Unavailability
BaseNode -- commentThread --> CommentThread
CommentThread -- creator ---> User
CommentThread -- comment --> Comment
Database Engine
Cord Platform uses the Neo4j graph database. Graph databases are usually classified as a type of NoSQL database as most use a schema-on-read paradigm, while SQL is schema-on-write. Graph DBs value relationships as first-class citizens, and when the engine's native data structure is a graph, as is Neo4j's, can provide very low cost traversals. Traversing a dozen nodes in a query is not even remotely a problem, but doing a dozen joins in SQL would greatly affect query performance.
The decision to use a graph database was based on the ever-increasing inter-connectedness of our data. As Cord seeks to be used by more and more organizations, we expect the inter-connectedness to increase.
History in Schema
We don't have a traditional schema. Normally, a node represents some sort of entity in your model and the node's properties are the fields of that entity. Because we would like to keep a history of all changes to our data in the schema itself and not just a log facility, we have chosen to represent an entity using a :BaseNode
node for the entity itself, and multiple :Property
nodes to hold the properties of the :BaseNode
. Whenever a :Property
is updated, the relationship between the :BaseNode
and old :Property
is set to active = false
and a new :Property
node is created with a relationship set to active = true
. This schema lets us track and revert all changes to the graph.
Field Level Permissions
Full page: Field Level Permission
Stakeholders of Cord would like to have granular control over who can read/write each field on an entity under their administrative control. In order to facilitate this, we use role definitions in the API's authorization service to grant permissions on a per-property basis.