Cord Field Support: Issues, Examples, and Troubleshooting - SeedCompany/cord-docs GitHub Wiki

This page is a guide to different types of production support issues. It is organized by ticket category and subcategory and includes examples of relevant scenarios, along with troubleshooting steps if applicable. The goal is to regularly update this page with new issues as they arise so that knowledge for troubleshooting production support issues can be shared across groups. If the agent cannot find a satisfactory answer on this page, they may contact Cord Field's Product Owner Seth McKnight.

1. System

1.1 DOMO Issues

1.2 Authorization | Permission Issues

User is unable to access a feature they expect to have access to (see, edit, select, approve, etc.):

  • First, confirm that the user's roles have the requested permission. Using the "impersonation" feature can be an effective way to test this. For Permissions at the Project and Engagement levels, the agent can check the Workflow UI in Cord Field.
  • Consider the difference between project-specific and global permissions.
    • For global permissions, ask a developer for an updated version of the permissions file from the API policies.
  • If there is still uncertainty, contact the Product Owner for further clarification.

1.3 Data Issues

1.4 PnP Issues

Cord Field does not display/extract Actual Progress exceeding 100% from OBS or Storytelling PnPs.

  • Cord is actually extracting the cumulative progress but converting percentages over 100% into different numbers.
  • In the past, it was acceptable to have percentages that exceeded 100%, but FOLT (Field Operations Leadership Team) has since revised this policy.
  • The Project Manager needs to update the Planning tab to match/reflect completed stories, then re-upload the Planning PnP and the Progress PnP to their respective cards.

1.5 UI Issues

1.6 Other

Posts section:

  • The Cord Field UI features a posts section for team members to share project-related updates. Currently, users can choose from the following categories of posts in Cord:
    • Note
    • Prayer
    • Story

Posts 1

  • Users must also choose the "shareability" level of the post from the dropdown menu, which includes the following options:
    • Ask to Share Externally
    • External
    • Internal
    • Team Members

Posts 2

Prayer Posts

  • Cord Field does not send prayer posts directly to other systems; however, there is a DOMO card that gathers prayer items categorized as "External" and "Ask to Share Externally" from Cord. These prayer requests collected on the DOMO card are then sent to Zapier and Slack.

Upload Files button:

  • The "Upload Files" button on the main project page allows users to upload files to the Files card. Once a file is in the Files card, users can drag and drop it into any folder within the card.

"Please check engagement statuses" error message:

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  • The user receives an error message while trying to update the project status, even though they have the correct permissions. This error usually occurs if the engagement is already set to the status the user is attempting to update it to or if one of the engagements in a cluster is already in a final state, such as "Terminated."
    • The user must verify and update the engagement statuses, typically by reverting them one or a few steps back, before updating the project status.
      • If the user is still confused and does not know how to fix the issue, the agent may either guide them to the Workflow UI or rectify the problem on the user's behalf.
    • For engagements in final states, the agent may update the status on behalf of the user, ensuring that the engagement status that triggered the issue is returned to the appropriate level.
      • Once Cord Field is migrated to EdgeDB, this issue may no longer occur, or implementing a fix could be easier. Until then, this workaround remains in effect.

2. Process

2.1 Project Team Management

Requests to temporarily add Consultant roles to people's profiles:

  • It is common practice to have other Seed Company Staff assigned for a limited period of time to review and endorse projects when the project's Consultant is unavailable.
    • The agent can add the requested role, but it is advised to keep track of the change to remove the role when no longer needed.

2.2 PnP Issues

  • After the implementation of the PnP extraction validation feature, Cord Field will now indicate any data issues with the PnP, addressing most common user problems. For a list of validation errors and their respective troubleshooting steps, please visit the PnP Extraction Validation page.

Requests to use alternate PnP Step Headers:

  • This is currently not approved, which may result in data extraction failures for both the Planning and Progress PnPs. However, FOLT is discussing potential solutions for this issue.
    • Some teams have found it helpful to use separate PnP files during the translation process. One version of the PnP includes the different step names used by and discussed with the partner who requested alternate steps and is kept for reference to document the translation process they are following. The other version, prepared by the Project Manager, includes standard step headers and is uploaded to Cord Field. The two versions are identical except for the different headers.

Questions about the percentages under the PnP step headers:

  • Although the headers should correspond to the step names in Cord Field, percentages may be updated to reflect different processes by field partners.
    • The percentages are not directly imported into Cord Field, but they are taken into account with the PnP's cumulative summary percentages.

PnP is not being uploaded/figures are not being imported:

  • Ensure the uploaded file is the correct PnP for the project and quarter.
  • Check if the file is not a spreadsheet type other than a PnP.

Cumulative progress is not updating correctly:

  • Check columns AN/AO/AP for the quarter and year to verify if data has been calculated and entered into the cumulative progress Excel cells:

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* If data exists, contact the development team to debug; otherwise, it could be a formula issue, and the user should try a new version of the PnP downloaded from the Field Operations Library or contact Harold Good, the spreadsheet owner.
* If data does not exist, check if the correct Reporting Quarter is selected on the PnP or if there is progress data recorded for the Quarter in the progress tab.

User is unable to select the correct reporting quarter:

  • There is a five-year time limit on the MOU dates in the PnP. This limitation may be in place to align with business requirements. If a user sets the project MOU dates beyond this five-year limit, they might be unable to select the last reporting quarter in the Progress tab. Instead, they will only see options such as "On track" or "Completed." Additionally, there may be discrepancies between the MOU dates in the Planning tab and those in Cord Field, and these should be corrected. Once the dates in the PnP and Cord are aligned, the issue with selecting the reporting quarter should be resolved.

Progress detail is not updating when the user uploads the progress report for the quarter:

  • Check to ensure step headers are correct in planning and progress sheets.
  • Make sure the PnP project date range in the Excel file matches the actual project beginning and end dates.
  • Make sure the Reporting Quarter selected in the PnP progress sheet matches the Quarter you are uploading the file for.
    • The "Percent Finished & Cumulative sections" will only update if the reporting quarter is correct, as CF reads them to obtain progress updates.
  • Ensure all your scripture goals are identifiable and match those already listed in the language engagement overview page from when you initially uploaded your PnP planning sheet.

Scripture Goal showing up as unspecified (e.g., Isa 34/1292 vs Isa 10:1-34):

  • Check the PnP planning sheet to verify that a valid scripture reference was entered in the "My notes" column.
  • If not, the user must delete that goal, add the correct scripture reference in the PnP planning sheet, and then re-upload the planning sheet.

Empty Goals and/or Progress or Step(s) not planned for a particular Goal/Book:

  • It's possible that there was a problem with the originally uploaded PnP Plan (this could even be from the initial migration); here are some troubleshooting steps:
    • Check the version of the spreadsheet (found on the right of the header that contains the project name); it must be from 2020 or later or it will likely not parse correctly due to row/column mismatches.
    • Check the Step Names in the spreadsheet; they must match the appropriate Methodology Steps found here or they will not parse correctly
    • Download the original PnP Planning spreadsheet and then re-upload it
      • Note that the existing goals may need to be manually deleted before re-uploading the spreadsheet; if there are visible issues with them already, then this will cause no harm.

If users still encounter any PnP issues unrelated to Cord Field, they should contact Harold Good, the owner of the PnP spreadsheet, via the official channel at [email protected].

2.3 Project | Engagement Management

Requests to verify photos that were included in previous Quarterly Reports:

  1. Go to the respective Quarterly Reports card.
  2. Click on "All Reports".
  3. Select the Quarter you want to review.
  4. On the cumulative progress card, click on "View Details".
  5. Once you're there, click on the "Media" step in the sidebar on the right.
  6. To access the images, click on the drop-down arrow located on the right side of each variant box (Investor Communications, Field Operations, etc.).

Requests to upload more photos to reports:

  • At this time, users can only upload one photo in the quarterly report section. Additional photos can be uploaded to a photos folder in the files card.

Multiplication Projects:

  • Multiplication projects at Seed Company refer to initiatives where partners take primary responsibility for designing, monitoring, and funding the projects. These projects are either not funded by Seed Company or are minority funded, with the majority being minority funded. Seed Company may provide resources such as consulting to the organization without providing direct funding to the projects.

Requests to change Project sensitivity:

  • It is not possible to adjust a project's sensitivity, as it is determined by the highest sensitivity level of all the languages involved.
    • If the Project Manager wants to change the project's sensitivity, they need to request a change in the sensitivity level of the individual languages (refer to 2.4 Language Management).

Project Sensitivity defaulted to "High" upon creation:

  • When creating a project in Cord, the sensitivity level is set to "High" by default. However, once an engagement is added, the project's sensitivity level will be updated to match the engagement's level.

Requests to change or update the project's start and end dates:

  • For projects In Development: Project managers should be able to update the start and end dates. If they are unable to do so, please contact the development team for debugging. In the meantime, Agents can use their admin privileges to update the dates.
  • For Active projects: any changes to active projects must be processed through a Change to Plan, so the Agent must contact the Financial Analyst for approval. The Financial Analyst may change the dates, or the Agent may make the change after receiving approval from the FA.

"Submit incomplete report" message:

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  • The "submit incomplete report" message is a new feature recently added to Cord Field. In the progress report's Team News and Stories sections, each variant box (Investor Communication, Field Operations, Translation, Partner) has a responsible role (Project Manager, Marketing, Partner, etc.). If the person logged in does not complete one of those sections, a notification pop-up dialog box will appear to remind them to fill it in before submitting. It's not an error, just a reminder. They can ignore it and submit the report with an empty response if they wish to do so.
    • For Project Managers, the notifications are tied to the Field Operations section. If the Story and Team News sections for the Field Operations box are filled out, they should not receive any notifications. They can edit other sections, including the Partner one. However, they will receive notifications only for the Field Operations section if no data exists.

Requests to reactivate projects from the "Did Not Develop" or other final states (Completed, Terminated) to an active state (In Development, Active):

  • If a project has progressed to its natural conclusion, we should not make any changes to it for historical purposes. Projects that have been marked as "Did Not Develop" or "Completed", should remain in their respective statuses. If a Project later develops with that Language (or Languages), the Project Manager should create a new Project.
    • Since Cord requires a project name to be unique, the FPM will have to change the name (many people add "Did Not Develop" or similar to the name); the FPM should check with his/her Regional Director to see what they would recommend.
  • If a recent change was made by mistake, the agent can make the necessary correction. It is advisable to confirm the mistake by checking with the Project Manager and/or Regional Director, reviewing activity logs, and noting the date of the status update, if possible.
    • When changing the status from an end state, the agent must update the project and engagement statuses individually, as the engagement will not automatically follow the project status update.

Requests to upload a PnP into a previous/already closed Quarter:

  • The user must go to the Language in question, click All Reports on Quarterly Reports, then click on the desired Quarter (e.g., Q2, Q3 report). On Cumulative Progress, click View Details. If no PnP, just add it. If it is revised, then + New Version.

2.3.1 Internship | Engagement Management

Requests to add Consultant, Mentor, or other roles to Interns:

  • This is a standard procedure as interns advance in their training. The request can be approved after confirming with Tonia Berthiaume, the Field Operations Program Manager, or Abby Roberts, the Field Operations Services Director.
    • In case of security concerns, please note that interns in Cord have already undergone vetting and have access to their project data. If they gain access to CORD, they will only be able to access authorized information.

Requests to add an Intern Engagement to Internships that have been moved to "Active":

  • A feature has been implemented that prevents the project from progressing from "early conversations" without an engagement. Thus, we should no longer receive requests like this from users.
    • In the case of Cohorts, the team may need to add an Intern Engagement to an Active project. The agent can add the Intern Engagement by clicking the "plus" icon on the internship's page.
      • Please ensure to consult with the Financial team on the project before making the requested addition.

Budget Card dates not matching the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dates:

  • Check if the funding partner shows the project to be funded until the end of the internship, reflecting the project's dates.
  • Cord will use the project's MOU dates if the dates are left blank on the partnership cards.

Requests for changes to the intern's information in the engagement section:

  • For interns in the Internship Program (external), the Interns do not need to sign the prudence protocol, as they will not access Cord Field.
    • The FPM/RD manages the internship, and the Regional Team manages the project.

Requests to update or change the intern's surname:

  • If the FPM/RD wants to update the intern's surname, they are authorized to do so. It is recommended to document the change with a brief note (1-3 sentences) on a Notes card for future reference/management.

Requests to update project's sensitivity: see Language Management section

2.4 Language Management

Requests for any change to a language (population, name, sensitivity, etc.)

  • All requests should be directed to the Language Resource Coordinator, Roger Hanggi; the Field Operations Program Manager, Tonia Berthiaume, may be contacted if the LRC is unavailable.

Language Profile Page

Language Profile Home

  • Roger has created a page in DOMO called Language Profile under the Field Operations page. On this page, users of Cord Field can use a Google form to request changes to existing languages in Cord or to suggest additions for languages that are not yet in the system. The Language Profile page also includes a Video Tutorial for users who need help or more information on how to submit a request.
    • The process begins by selecting the desired language in the language profile. Next, click the “Change Cord Field Language” link in the top right corner of the page. This will open a Google Form for you to complete. In the form, select the option to “Change Information about an Existing Cord Field Language.” Once submitted, Roger will be notified of the language request, and you will receive automatic updates about the progress of your request. Additionally, this information will be archived for future reference if needed.

Cord Language Request Form

Language Names in Cord:

  • The strict Seed Company rule is that any language with a sensitivity level of medium or high must have and use a SC name (pseudonym) that is different from the actual/official language name.

Removing a language from projects:

  • If the language is "In Development", the Project Manager should be able to remove the Language Engagements; the Project Manager might not see the delete option (trash can icon) if the engagements are marked as "Did Not Develop";
    • We change the project back to "In Development" and have the Project Manager remove the Language Engagement.
  • If the Project is "Active", "Suspended", etc. (not In Development), we do not Delete/Remote Engagements; the Engagement can be "Completed" or "Terminated" if it is no longer part of the project;
    • We want to keep the history that they were included in the project originally.

User unable to change/update the status of a Language Engagement (e.g., from "In Development" to "Discussing Change to Plan"):

  • It is possible that the engagement was added after the Project started but did not have the status overridden to "Active."
  • We can override the Engagement status after checking the User's permissions and confirming the impossibility of a seamless workflow path.

2.5 Partner Management

Request for a new Partner to be added to Cord Field:

  • Must go through the Director of Financial Services (Bety Garcia) or other Controller in Cord.
    • In the event that none of the Controllers are available, the agent may contact a Lead Financial Analyst.

The Financial Reports card does not display monthly or quarterly records | users cannot upload financial reports.

  • User must check the managing partnerships under the Partnerships card and ensure that the "Financial Reporting Frequency" prompt has been selected for Monthly or Quarterly.

Requests for changes to reporting type/frequency:

  • Needs to go through the Financial Analyst or Lead Financial Analyst on the project.

2.6 Other

Requests to update the Field Budget amounts:

  • The Field Project Manager works alongside the Financial Analyst to develop a budget during project development. Once the project and budget have been approved and the project is Active, the budget must go through a Change Request to be updated. To maintain financial oversite, the Financial Analyst is the only person who can update the budget.

Universal Budget Template (UBT) Issues:

  • For issues with the UBT not related to Cord Field, users must contact Financial Services, which manages the UBT spreadsheet.
    • Project Managers can obtain the most recent UBT by contacting their Financial Analysts, reaching out to Financial Services, or downloading the UBT directly from the Field Library.

2.7 Domo Issues

Issues unrelated to Cord:

  • Users who encounter DOMO issues unrelated to Cord Field should contact the Data Strategy Manager, Joe Reynolds, or the Data Architect and Analyst, Ken Jones.
  • We can also redirect tickets to the DOMO queue.

The project is appearing in the outdated list in Domo/After uploading the Progress Report, DOMO continues to flag the project as "Outdated":

  • It's possible that the date difference between the PnP Year & Quarter and Fiscal Year & Quarter of the current date is greater than 45 days.
  • When the uploaded PnP Year & Quarter date is 45 days older than the Fiscal Year & quarter of the current date, DOMO should label the project as "Outdated."
  • Once the quarterly PnP progress report for the current quarter is uploaded, it should automatically update downstream, and DOMO will remove the 'outdated' status.
    • After uploading the PnP to Cord, it may take 4-8 hours for the changes to be reflected in DOMO.

Domo Alert triggered: Invalid project status and engagement status combination.

  • We must inform the FPM about the alert and request changes to the engagement status. If necessary, we may use our Admin to override the status after consulting the Product Manager.

3. Admin

3.1 New User | Role Change

Requests for adding a new user to the system or assigning a new role to an existing user:

  • The agent must confirm with the user's HR Business Partner and Manager/Supervisor that the Prudence Protocol has been acknowledged in ADP and that the user is approved for the role in Cord.
  • In the meantime, the new user should register for a Cord Field account. This will allow them to log in, but they will not be able to view or edit any information until the appropriate role(s) have been assigned.
  • Once HR and the user's Supervisor confirm, the agent can assign the roles to the user's profile in Cord Field.

General permissions:

  • Certain users need general access to projects but do not necessarily need to become team members; in those situations, the "Leadership" role might be granted.
    • The Leadership role allows read access to projects but not write access. This means that the user can view all projects in Cord, but cannot modify them.
    • Check with Product Owners for individual cases.

Project-related requests:

  • If a user requests to be added to a particular project with a specific role, we should refer them to the project's Project Manager or Regional Director.

Contractors Access to Cord:

  • Contractors are granted access to Cord Field only after they have an active contract with Seed Company, which includes signing an NDA.
    • Currently, we do not require contractors to sign the Prudence Protocol.

4. Other

Questions about the workflow and sequence of status changes:

  • We can direct users to the workflow and the workflow diagram on our wiki page (link) or the resources in SharePoint (link).

Training site requests (Cord Field Training):

  • Field is responsible for managing the training site, so for general requests (e.g. role assignments or partner addition), the user must contact the Field Training Manager, Mike McCord, or the Field Operations Services Director, Abby Roberts.
  • For system issues, the agent may contact the Principal Software Engineer, Carson Full.

Questions about the Field Partner and Field Operations tabs on the progress card in Cord Field:

  • Field Partners will eventually gain direct access to Cord Field, allowing them to update the status of their projects in the system. The "Field Partner" tab will enable them to enter data into Cord Field, while the "Field Operations" tab will provide Project Managers the opportunity to review and correct the updates made by the Partners.

Questions about missing folders or standard folders in the Files card:

  • Some users may wonder about missing folders in the Files card, specifically whether we have standardized folders or what happened to the folders that were previously available.
    • When a project is created, Cord automatically generates the following folders in the Files card:
      • Approval Documents
      • Consultant Reports
      • Field Correspondence
      • Photos
    • If folders (or files) are missing, first check to see if they were accidentally moved to a different folder by looking through each one individually. If you find that they have been moved, you can easily drag and drop the folders or files within the "Files" card. Additionally, you can use the folder path at the top of the page to drag and drop folders and files as needed.
      • If you determine that the folder or file is truly missing, consult with a developer to see if it can be restored.
    • Users can add additional folders to the Files card by clicking the "Create Folder" icon located in the top right corner of the card.
    • Project Managers have the flexibility to rename folders to better meet the needs of their specific projects.