DockerPi Sensor Hub Development Board SKU: EP 0106 - SedatYasar/DigitalHHZ2 GitHub Wiki

DockerPi Sensor Hub Development Board SKU: EP-0106


The DockerPi SensorHub for obtaining environmental parameters in the Internet of Things. The DockerPi contains various sensors such as:

  • temperature sensors
  • humidity sensors
  • air pressure sensors
  • lighting sensors
  • thermal infrared sensors

As part of the IoT, the parameters can be used to activate further functions of the facility and thus to design a smart home. For example, the temperature of the temperature sensor can be used to control the heating device or the air conditioner. The thermal infrared sensor can detect if someone is in the living room. In this project the sensor hub was operated with the help of a RaspberryPi Zero W. Python was used as the programming language.


  • DockerPi Series
  • Programmable
  • Read directly(without programming)
  • Extend the GPIO Pins
  • Ext. Temperature Detection, Thermistor Detection Temperature Range -30℃~127℃
  • OnBoard Temperature DHT11 -20℃~60℃
  • P. Temperature Sensor -40℃~80℃.
  • Humidity detection, sensor detection range 20% Rh ~ 95% Rh
  • Light intensity detection, detection range: 0Lux~1800Lux
  • Pressure detection, detection range: 300 Pa ~ 1100 hPa
  • Biopsy test (biopsy test with corresponding indicator), maximum detection angle of 100 degrees, maximum distance of 12m
  • Can Stack with other Stack board
  • Independent of the mainboard hardware (require I2C support)

Register Map

All register are Read Only.

Configuring I2C(Raspberry Pi)

sudo raspi-config

5 Interfacting Options Configure connections to periph

5 I2C

enable > yes


MQTT Client

Implements the NTP and WiFi connection, and the MQTT client for publishing messages to the MQTT Broker.



After the registers have been initialized, the values ​​are stored in a buffer. Here are values ​​like temperature sensors humidity sensors air pressure sensors lighting sensors thermal infrared sensors and then transmitted to the broker via the MQTT.

Topics= "DHHZ/roomnumber/place/deviceid"

Payload= {"deviceid": "PIZEROxxx", "timestamp": "2021-09-01T09:00:22.0000z", "SI": C", "value": 23.4}