Discover yasmine the C plus plus UML state machine framework - SeadexGmbH/yasmine GitHub Wiki
yasmine is a C++ state machine framework developed by Seadex GmbH.
yasmine has a dedicated webpage which contains:
- yasmine ecosystem: our vision to create a whole ecosystem around the core library yasmine
- Building yasmine: instructions on how to build yasmine in your environment
- Integrating yasmine: learn how to embed yasmine in your application
- Concepts: background information of the concepts behind yasmine and (UML) state machines
- Reference: the C++ source code documentation
- Examples: thoroughly explained examples showing you how to use yasmine in an application
- Forum: you can ask questions and receive answers, discuss about state machines and yasmine
- License: yasmine is available under a dual licensing model: commercial and for private/scientific use
- Download: the page containing links to all yasmine versions
- Changelog: a page with the entire changelog across the time