Journal - SeaDataCloud/Documentation GitHub Wiki

What was done...

I will try to keep note of the changes we did.

Merret, 2020-04-24


  • Changed source path from /root/vrehome/nextcloud/nextcloud_all to /nfs-export (mounted to /srv/syncer/source/), because an NFS share that is accessible from both scr-test and jellyfish was created to carry the NextCloud data.

Merret, 2020-04-xx


  • Added sync to bluewhale. I created a new key pair for this, the sync to jellyfish might not work now, but it does not need to, as we have NFS for that.

Merret, 2020-04-27


  • Changed syncer paths: Before, it sent data to .../.../<username>_sync on the remote. I removed the _sync. Why? When we do a sync of all users at the same time, no _sync is added. So then we ended up with directories with both _sync and without _sync, so nothing worked anymore. Before ( Sync to /.../sync_from_athens/nextcloud_data/vre_buurmanmarineidorgr8255g4x_sync/Work/.... Now ( Sync to /.../sync_from_athens/nextcloud_data/vre_buurmanmarineidorgr8255g4x/Work/....
  • Also made DIVA and PYTHON and R on bluewhale use the path without _sync (on 27th or 28th).

Merret, 2020-04-28

nginx proxy for workspace

  • Increase nginx timeout (keepalive_timeout) from 65 zo 600c (by mounting an additional config file, into /etc/nginx/nginx.conf)
  • Increase nginx version from nginx:latest which was 1.17.4 at the time, to nginx:1.17.10.


  • Added the "files" subdirectory in the synced user directory. Before ( Sync to /.../sync_from_athens/nextcloud_data/vre_buurmanmarineidorgr8255g4x/Work/.... Now ( Sync to /.../sync_from_athens/nextcloud_data/vre_buurmanmarineidorgr8255g4x/files/Work/....
  • Also made DIVA and PYTHON and R on bluewhale use the path with added /files/.
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