Deploying NFS Share at a node - SeaDataCloud/Documentation GitHub Wiki

These are the steps to setup an NFS Share between the different Virtual Machines in a given site. This shared volume/space is used to synchronise user data between the different applications.


Setting up the server

1. Install NFS Utils in the machine

yum -y install nfs-utils

2. Exporting directories from the server

Make share directory(ies)

mkdir /nfs chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /nfs chmod 755 /nfs

Next, modify the exports file to provide information on the NFS share

vim /etc/exports

Insert the below line

/nfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)

(The no_root_squash option makes sure that /nfs will be accessed as root)

After modifying exports file, always run the below command

exportfs -a

Setting up the client

1. Install NFS Utils in the machine

yum -y install nfs-utils

2. Create directories to mount the shared volume

mkdir -p /mnt/nfs

3. Mount the NFS shared volume

mount -t nfs -vvvv <IP_address_of_NFS_server>:/nfs /mnt/nfs

The -vvvv tag helps to mount in a verbose fashion. This can be omitted if needed.

Confirm the mount by one of the below commands

df -h



The output should look something like this (for df -h)

<IP_address_of_NFS_server>:/nfs 160G 33M 160G 1% /mnt/nfs

4. Mount NFS share at boot time

This is done by modifying /etc/fstab. Working with /etc/fstab is really dangerous as the file itself is critical for the proper function of the OS. So, proceed with caution!.

Edit /etc/fstab by

vim /etc/fstab

Add the following line to the bottom of the file (DO NOT CHANGE anything else)

<IP_address_of_NFS_server>://nfs /mnt/nfs nfs defaults,_netdev 0 0

To test if the change made in the /etc/fstab is working


When you log back in, do

df -h

and look for a similar line:

<IP_address_of_NFS_server>:/nfs 160G 33M 160G 1% /mnt/nfs


On client

touch /mnt/nfs/test.txt

On server

ls -l /nfs

Should show a similar result:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 9 14:02 test.txt