Team - SeLite/SeLite GitHub Wiki
Welcome to SeLite.
Are you a new contributor? Introduce yourself here. In the first section, write about yourself. (It's a free-text with suggested questions.) Then fill-in the table below. Add yourself to the top of both parts - shine.
Why are you contributing?
- Personal objectives
- Why did you choose SeLite?
- Contact channels: GitHub username, email, Skype/phone,IM, timezone or location
If you feel confidential about anything, either
- obfuscate it, or
- add it as a note to SeLite > project Team (which is not public, but for the team only), or
- don't publish at all, but mark it here as 'private'.
I develop SeLite since 2011. It brings automation to non-programmers, directly in a browser. I love SeLite because it allows people to reuse and share their work., peter.kehl at gmail, Sydney, Australia
Name | Communication frequency preference |
Would like to communicate outside the team |
Potential technical contribution |
In batches, spaced |
Interactive/ frequent |
Reach out to developers |
Reaching out to Mozilla or Selenium HQ |
"Marketing" to users |
Review user documentation |
Test | Create demos | Code Javascript for Mozilla WebExtensions |
Peter Kehl | X |