Linux User Guide - Scrum-Lords/User-Guides GitHub Wiki
What is Linux?
Linux is an open-source operating system modeled on UNIX. The very first version of Linux was developed by a Finnish software engineer named Linus Benedict Torvalds in the mid 1990s.
It has become quite popular throughout the years because not only is it completely free and available to the public but also customizable. It can be used to customize applications, which systems display graphics, and much more. Linux can be used on many different devices such as personal computers, mobile devices, supercomputers, and mainframes. Because it is open to the public it is also multilingual.
Linux Commands
Here is a list of commands, and definitions, that can help you when using Linux.
Directory Commands
- pwd - Show current directory
- mkdir - Make directory
- cd - Change directory
- cd .. - Go up a directory
- ls - List files
LS Commands
- -a - Show all (including hidden)
- -R - Recursive list
- -r - Reverse order
- -t - Sort by last modified
- -S - Sort by file size
- -l - Long listing format
- -1 - One file per line
- -m - Comma-separated output
- -Q - Quoted output
File Operations
- touch file1 - Create file1
- less file1 - View file1
- file file1 - Get type of file1
- cp file1 file2 - Copy file1 to file2
- mv file1 file2 - Move file1 to file2
- rm file1 - Delete file1
- head file1 - Show first 10 lines of file1
- tail file1 - Show last 10 lines of file1
- tail -F file1 - Output last lines of file1 as it changes
Search Files
- find /dir/ -name name* - Find files starting with name in dir
- find /dir/ -user name - Find files owned by name in dir
- find /dir/ -mmin num - Find files modifed less than num minutes ago in dir
Linux is represented by its mascot Tux the Penguin!