ES2 Simulation - Scrivener07/Endless-Studio GitHub Wiki
The name of the descriptor must be unique and must follow the rule: Name = Type + Unique identifier. In the descriptor content define the simulation properties, then simulation modifiers. Properties have to be defined before the first modifier.
<SimulationDescriptor Name="ClassCity" Type="Class">
<Property Name="BaseFood" />
<Property Name="Food" />
<Property Name="Population" BaseValue="1" />
<BinaryModifier TargetProperty="Food" Operation="Addition" Left="$(Population)" Operation="Multiplication" Right="$(BaseFood)" />
Attribute name | Default value | Description |
Name | <Required> |
The name of the property. It must be unique. |
BaseValue | 0 |
The start value of the property (before the computing of modifiers) |
MinValue | 0 |
Minimum value of the property. Set it to "Negative" to set it to float.MinValue. |
MaxValue | float.MaxValue |
Maximum value of the property. |
Composition | None |
Define if the property must be computed from the simulation object children property values (by name). Available composition methods: Maximum, Minimum, Sum. |
RoundingFunction | None |
Define the rounding method of the property. Available rounding methods: Ceil, Floor, Round. |
IsSealed | false |
If a property is sealed, its value can't be modified by any modifier (generaly its value is set by code). |
IsSerializable | false |
Define if a property value must be serialized in game saves (generaly used for sealed property). |
<Property Name="Money" Value="0" Composition="Sum" MinValue="Negative"/>
Attribute name | Default value | Description |
TargetProperty | <Required> |
The name of the property which will receives the result. |
Operation | <Required> |
The modifier's operation. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent. |
Value | <Required> |
The value needed to compute the operation. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax) |
Path | "" |
Dertermine where to find the target property (By default the source object). |
Priority | 0 |
The computation priority value of the modifier (used to change the default operation order). |
SearchValueFromPath | false |
If the value attribute reference a property, it will be retrieved from the same path as the target property. |
<!-- Money += NetDust -->
<Modifier TargetProperty="Money" Operation="Addition" Value="$(NetDust)"/>
| Attribute name | Default value | Description
| TargetProperty | <Required>
| The name of the property which will receives the result.
| Operation | <Required>
| The modifier's operation. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent.
| Left | <Required>
| The left value of the binary operation. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax)
| BinaryOperation | <Required>
| The operation to apply with left and right values. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent.
| Right | <Required>
| The right value of the binary operation. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax)
| Path | ""
| Dertermine where to find the target property (By default the source object).
| Priority | 0
| The computation priority value of the modifier (used to change the default operation order).
| SearchValueFromPath | false
| If the left and/or right attribute reference a property, it will be retrieved from the same path as the target property.
<!-- Money += Population * NetDust -->
<BinaryModifier TargetProperty="Money" Operation="Addition" Left="$(Population)" BinaryOperation="Multiplication" Right="$(NetDust)" />
WARNING! Cost a lot of resources to be computed
| Attribute name | Default value | Description
| TargetProperty | <Required>
| The name of the property which will receives the result.
| Operation | <Required>
| The modifier's operation. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent.
| Multiplier | 1
| An optional multiplier of the count value. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax)
| CountPath | <Required>
| The path who describe the type/location of objects you want to count (this path start to the target object, be aware of that when you change the Path attribute).
| Path | ""
| Dertermine where to find the target property (By default the source object).
| Priority | 0
| The computation priority value of the modifier (used to change the default operation order).
| SearchValueFromPath | false
| If the multiplier attribute reference a property, it will be retrieved from the same path as the target property.
<!-- Money += 2 * CityCount-->
<CountModifier TargetProperty="Money" Operation="Addition" Multiplier= "2" CountPath="ClassEmpire/ClassCity" />
- Value = Base value
- Value += Composition
- For each priority from min to max priority value
- Value += Addition/Subtraction
- Value *= Multiplication/Division
- Value ^= Power
- FinalValue += Percent * Value
- FinalValue = Force