ES2 Simulation - Scrivener07/Endless-Studio GitHub Wiki

Simulation descriptor

The name of the descriptor must be unique and must follow the rule: Name = Type + Unique identifier. In the descriptor content define the simulation properties, then simulation modifiers. Properties have to be defined before the first modifier.


<SimulationDescriptor Name="ClassCity" Type="Class">
    <Property Name="BaseFood" />
    <Property Name="Food" />
    <Property Name="Population" BaseValue="1" />

    <BinaryModifier TargetProperty="Food" Operation="Addition" Left="$(Population)" Operation="Multiplication" Right="$(BaseFood)" />

Simulation property

Attribute name Default value Description
Name <Required> The name of the property. It must be unique.
BaseValue 0 The start value of the property (before the computing of modifiers)
MinValue 0 Minimum value of the property. Set it to "Negative" to set it to float.MinValue.
MaxValue float.MaxValue Maximum value of the property.
Composition None Define if the property must be computed from the simulation object children property values (by name). Available composition methods: Maximum, Minimum, Sum.
RoundingFunction None Define the rounding method of the property. Available rounding methods: Ceil, Floor, Round.
IsSealed false If a property is sealed, its value can't be modified by any modifier (generaly its value is set by code).
IsSerializable false Define if a property value must be serialized in game saves (generaly used for sealed property).


<Property Name="Money" Value="0" Composition="Sum" MinValue="Negative"/>

Simulation modifiers - Simple modifier

Attribute name Default value Description
TargetProperty <Required> The name of the property which will receives the result.
Operation <Required> The modifier's operation. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent.
Value <Required> The value needed to compute the operation. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax)
Path "" Dertermine where to find the target property (By default the source object).
Priority 0 The computation priority value of the modifier (used to change the default operation order).
SearchValueFromPath false If the value attribute reference a property, it will be retrieved from the same path as the target property.


<!-- Money += NetDust -->
<Modifier TargetProperty="Money" Operation="Addition" Value="$(NetDust)"/>

Simulation modifiers - Binary modifier

| Attribute name | Default value | Description |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TargetProperty | <Required> | The name of the property which will receives the result. | Operation | <Required> | The modifier's operation. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent. | Left | <Required> | The left value of the binary operation. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax) | BinaryOperation | <Required> | The operation to apply with left and right values. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent. | Right | <Required> | The right value of the binary operation. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax) | Path | "" | Dertermine where to find the target property (By default the source object). | Priority | 0 | The computation priority value of the modifier (used to change the default operation order). | SearchValueFromPath | false | If the left and/or right attribute reference a property, it will be retrieved from the same path as the target property.


<!-- Money += Population * NetDust -->
<BinaryModifier TargetProperty="Money" Operation="Addition" Left="$(Population)" BinaryOperation="Multiplication" Right="$(NetDust)" />

Simulation modifiers - Count modifier

WARNING! Cost a lot of resources to be computed

| Attribute name | Default value | Description |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TargetProperty | <Required> | The name of the property which will receives the result. | Operation | <Required> | The modifier's operation. Available operations: Force, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, Percent. | Multiplier | 1 | An optional multiplier of the count value. (It can be a float value or another property value using $(PropertyName) syntax) | CountPath | <Required> | The path who describe the type/location of objects you want to count (this path start to the target object, be aware of that when you change the Path attribute). | Path | "" | Dertermine where to find the target property (By default the source object). | Priority | 0 | The computation priority value of the modifier (used to change the default operation order). | SearchValueFromPath | false | If the multiplier attribute reference a property, it will be retrieved from the same path as the target property.


<!-- Money += 2 * CityCount-->
<CountModifier TargetProperty="Money" Operation="Addition" Multiplier= "2" CountPath="ClassEmpire/ClassCity" />

Operations precedence

  1. Value = Base value
  2. Value += Composition
  3. For each priority from min to max priority value
    1. Value += Addition/Subtraction
    2. Value *= Multiplication/Division
    3. Value ^= Power
    4. FinalValue += Percent * Value
    5. FinalValue = Force
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️