API: Windows App Behavior - Screenleap/support GitHub Wiki

Update Mechanism

Presenter App

The presenter app is responsible for updating the starter app. It is also responsible for initiating the update of itself by calling the starter app.

The presenter app will check for new versions of itself:

  1. One minute after it starts up if there are no active screen shares (the run state is STOPPED). We wait one minute to give the computer time to connect to the Internet.
  2. One minute after the computer wakes up if there are no active screen shares (the run state is STOPPED). We wait one minute to give the computer time to connect to the Internet.
  3. Before presenter connect if there is a major update (.1 or more change in the version number).
  4. After the screen share ends if there is a minor update in the presenter app.

Starter App

The check for new versions of the starter app is currently triggered by a screen share. The presenter params of the new screen share will contain information about the version number of the latest starter app. This implementation is a legacy of the old presenter app that did not run in the background.

After a screen share starts, the presenter app will check in the background whether the currently installed starter app matches the latest version. If not an update of the starter app is initiated.


What will happen if a user attempts to start a screen share while the presenter app is updating itself?

The share will not be successful. When updating the presenter app, we will show the "Updating app..." dialog. No screen shares will be allowed to be started during the update and the presenter app will not respond to requests to start the screen share. Once the app has been updated, it will be restarted. It will then respond to new screen share requests at that point.