Roadmap - ScottLilly/SOSCSRPG GitHub Wiki
This is the current plan for features to add, and the order I'd like to add them.
Expect this list to change over time.
- Additional character attributes (strength, intelligence, etc.)
- Character classes (fighter, mage, etc.)
- Add character creating screen
- Add armor
- Jewelry
- Add enchantments to weapons/armor/jewelry
- Skill levels
- Improve when player crafts an item
- Required for crafting more complex recipes
- Skill titles
- Level requirements
- Skill requirements
- Workbenches/tools required
- Complex NPC conversations
- Enhanced quests
- Repeatable
- Quest chains (i.e., must complete first quest to get second)
- Crafting recipes takes time
- Buffs/curses (over time)
- Damage/heal over time
Initial improved graphics
- Internationalization (string literals in resource files)
- Add audio
- Joystick/game controller input
Possible/far future enhancements
- Users create/edit game items, locations, quests, monsters, etc
- Update the XML/JSON data files
- EOY 2020 or later
- Need to check/update NuGet packages
- Increase/decrease, based on actions
- Opens locations/quests/recipes
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️