Get - Schwenkner/SugarSyncNet GitHub Wiki

The Http Get request is used to get Information upon CollectionContents or Files from SugarSync service.

The Get / GetAsync is a templated method to specify the response.

public T Get<T>(string url)
public async Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string url)

The URL is the reference of the

  • [CollectionContents] (CollectionContents)
  • [Collection] (Collection) or
  • [File] (File)

to get the Information from.

Responses can be of type

  • [CollectionContents] (CollectionContents)
  • [User] (User)
  • [Folder] (Folder)
  • [File] (File)


Getting info about colletion of sync folder

// instantiate SugarSync client
Client client = new Client("API key", "API private", "application Id");

// Login with existing refresh token
client.UserLogin = new UserLogin("refreshToken");

// get user's workspaces
User user = await client.GetAsync<User>(Client.SugarSyncUrl + "user");

// get contents of the sync folder collection
CollectionContents collectionContents = await client.GetAsync<CollectionContents>(user.SyncFolders);
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