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SugarSyncNet is a client library für SugarSync API. It supports synchronous as well as asynchronous access to the SugarSync services.

Supported Frameworks:

  • .Net 4.5
  • Windows Phone 8

How to use the API?

How to use SugarSyncNet api is explaned more in detail [here](How to use).

Supported commands

  • GetRefreshToken / GetRefreshTokenAsync

    gets the refresh token further used to Login to SugarSync. SugarSync provides with a kind of oauth to get the refresh token with the saves refresh token. Thus it is not necessary to store username and Password within the application.

  • [GetAccessToken / GetAccessTokenAsync] (GetAccessToken)

    the Access token is transfered with every request to SugarSync service to authenticate the request. Prior every request the access token is feteched once from SugarSync using the refresh token.

  • [Get / GetAsync] (Get)

    executes a Http get request to SugarSync service, used to get folder and file informations.

  • Post / PostAsync

    executes a Http post request to SugarSync service, used to create folders or files

  • [Put / PutAsync] (Put)

    executes a Http put request to SugarSync service, used to rename folders or files

  • Delete / DeleteAsync

    executes a Http delete request to SugarSync servcie, used to delete folders or files

  • DeleteRecursive / DeleteRecursiveAsync

    deletes a folder and all nested folders and files

  • Upload / UploadAsync

    uploads a stream to SugarSync service by a given file reference, the file reference must exist

  • UploadFile / UploadFileAsync

    uploads a stream to SugarSync service by a given file name, if a file with the name does not exists it is created otherwise it is overwritten

  • Download / DownloadAsync

    Downloads data from SugarSync service from a file given by it's reference