Supported XML tags - Schmiddiii/qute-cookie-block GitHub Wiki

Here is a list of all supported XML tags, ordered from "neccessary" to "sometimes usefull".


Clicks the given element. This is done by running the javascript code document.querySelector("element").click() using qutebrowsers jseval.

Required argument: element

The selector of the element to click. You can recieve the selector by inspecting the element and copying the selector in the dev-tools. For more information check the creating blockers page.


<click element="body > div > button"/>
<click element="#SHORTCUT_FOCUSABLE_DIV > div:nth-child(6) > div._3q-XSJ2vokDQrvdG6mR__k > section > div > section > section > form:nth-child(1) > button"/>


Removes the given element from the dom. This is done by running the javascript code document.querySelector("element").remove() using qutebrowsers jseval.

Required argument: element

The selector of the element to remove. For more information, check the click-tag.


<remove element="body > div > button"/>
<remove element="#SHORTCUT_FOCUSABLE_DIV > div:nth-child(6) > div._3q-XSJ2vokDQrvdG6mR__k > section > div > section > section > form:nth-child(1) > button"/>


Wait the given amount of time. This is usefull when the page needs to load more content after clicking a button.

Optional argument: time

The time to wait in milliseconds. Note that this has to be a natural number. The default time is 500ms.


<wait/>             <!-- Wait 500ms -->
<wait time="1000"/> <!-- Wait one second -->


Run the given javascript. This might be needed for removing a element from the DOM.

Required argument: source

The javascript code to execute.


<js source="alert('Hi')"/>


Debug prints using qutebrowsers message-error, message-info or message-warning. This is mainly usefull after waiting to check when the waiting is over and whether you have waited long enought.

Optional argument: type

The type of the message. This can be one of error, info or warning. This will be info by default.

Optional argument: msg

The message to send. This is "Debug" by default.


<debug/>                                  <!-- Prints "Debug" using message-info -->
<debug type="error"/>                     <!-- Prints "Debug" using message-error -->
<debug type="warning" msg="Hello World"/> <!-- Prints "Hello World" using message-warning -->
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️