1. Place name extraction - ScandinavianSection-UCLA/hGIS_ETK GitHub Wiki
The data about Evald Tang Kristensen’s fieldtrips have been extracted from his work “Minder and Oplevelser” (“Memories and Experiences”), which he wrote in four volumes published between 1923 and 1927. It is not until volume two he starts to make fieldtrips to collect stories, which is what we are looking at. The fieldtrips date from winter 1867 to summer 1916. How much detail the fieldtrips are described with varies, but he always includes places he stopped. We save every stop he made during a fieldtrip as an individual record in an Excel document and, when mentioned, what means of transportation he used to get to the stop, what date he arrived and important notes.
The data is organized in separate Excel files – one for each fieldtrip. The original fields are:
Place – the places he stops at.
Date– what date he got to the place. Only if mentioned.
Transport – what means of transportation he used to get to the place. Only if mentioned.
MO_Start – the volume and page number for the start of the fieldtrip (X_XXX). Recorded with the first stop.
MO_End – the volume and page number for the end of the fieldtrip (X_XXX). Recorded with the first stop.
Notes – indications of how long he stayed at the place, if he has special company etc. Only if mentioned.
Sequence – indicating the order of the stop. Whereas the sequence is clear when the data is in Excel file, the data is in a random order once imported into ArcMap. It is also important because the order of the stops needs to be specified by a field before generating the route he took between the stops (Network Analyst).
Db_start – Stands for “Dairy Start”: Tang Kristensen has dairy notes that he took during his fieldtrips. Indicating what pages he wrote during the specific fieldtrips makes it easy to link the two sources of information.
Db_end – See “Db_start”.