Modl Editor - ScanMountGoat/ssbh_editor GitHub Wiki

The Modl Editor edits the data stored in .numdlb files like model.numdlb. The model.numdlb assigns materials from the model.numatb to meshes in the model.numshb. It's important to assign a material to every mesh since meshes without a properly assigned material will render as invisible in SSBH Editor and in game. The numdlb files also assign other files to the model, but these values usually don't need to be edited.


Each entry consists of a mesh name and the material label of its assigned material. Selecting a different material from the drop down will change the material assigned to that mesh. Click File > Save to save any changes to disk. Renaming materials in the Matl Editor will also require saving the model.numdlb since renaming a material will modify the corresponding entries in the Modl Editor. Delete entries by right clicking the mesh name and clicking "Delete". Add new entries by clicking Modl > Add Entry. Reorder entries by dragging and dropping the handles to the new location in the list.

Advanced Settings

Checking advanced settings allows selecting the mesh object for each entry and editing some of the file names for the numdlb file.