MeshEx Editor - ScanMountGoat/ssbh_editor GitHub Wiki
The MeshEx Editor edits the data stored in .numshexb files like model.numshexb. The model.numshexb file stores extended mesh metadata like additional bounding spheres and rendering flags. Entries in the meshex file are correspond to groups of mesh objects in the model.numshb file with the same names like "c00BodyShape".
The flags for each entry toggle rendering of the model for normal color rendering as well as shadow casting. Enabling shadow casting but disabling model rendering is used for some special effects like Bayonetta's wings. The wings aren't visible, but they still appear in her cast shadow. Enabling model rendering but disabling shadow casting can remove unwanted shadows from glass materials like Olimar's helmet.
If the model.numshb and model.numshexb become out of sync due to adding or deleting meshes, the model.numshexb can be regenerated by clicking MeshEx > Rebuild From Mesh. This will generate entries in the numshexb file for each of the meshes in the model.numshb. Save the numshexb file by clicking File > Saev. Automated checks for this will be added in a future release.