Mesh Editor - ScanMountGoat/ssbh_editor GitHub Wiki
The Mesh Editor edits the data stored in .numshb files like model.numshb. The model.numshb contains the model's vertices and faces as well as vertex skin weights and some rendering settings.
The mesh editor edits additional metadata attached to mesh objects. Editing the vertex geometry should be done in a modeling application like Blender. Right click a mesh object name and click "Delete" to delete the mesh object.
Advanced Settings
Enabling advanced settings allows for renaming meshes and editing the subindex. The subindex differentiates mesh objects with the same name and should only be edited if multiple meshes with the same name share a subindex.
Sort Bias
Changing the sort bias to a positive or negative value can sometimes resolve sorting issues with transparent meshes.
Depth Settings
Disabling depth testing or depth writes is only needed for some models with multiple layers like Game & Watch or the fairy bottle item.
Bone Influences
A mesh object will either use a parent bone or bone influences with vertex skin weights.
Parent Bone
The parent bone is used to constrain a mesh object to move with the assigned parent bone. This is similar to parenting in applications like Maya or Blender. Most custom models should use vertex weights to avoid visible seams between objects with a parent bone and objects with vertex weights. Converting a parent bone to skin weights requires another application like the Smash Ultimate Blender plugin.
Vertex Skin Weights
The bone influences grid shows the bone influences assigned to the mesh object and how many vertices are influenced by each bone. Vertex weights or influences are grouped by the name of the bone similar to vertex groups in Blender. Clicking "Remove Bone Influences" will clear the skin weights and allow setting a parent bone.
Vertex Attributes
The attribute names can be changed using the drop downs. If the mesh is missing attributes required by the assigned material, a button will appear prompting to add the missing attributes. After making any changes, save the numshb file using File > Save or File > Save As.