Adj Editor - ScanMountGoat/ssbh_editor GitHub Wiki

The Adj Editor edits the data stored in .adjb files like model.adj. The .adjb file stores triangle adjacency information used to recalculate normals during animations for meshes with RENORMAL materials. This can greatly reduce shading artifacts for animations with heavy deformations such as Pikachu's crouching and running animations.


The Adj Editor currently only supports displaying basic information about the entries. The adjacency data itself is not user friendly to edit and should be generated automatically.

Each mesh with an assigned material with "RENORMAL" in the material name requires an entry in the model.adjb to render properly. SSBH Editor will detect if there are missing entries and provide a button prompt in the Adj Editor. Click the button to add the missing entries and click File > Save to update the model.adjb file. Alternatively, click the model.numatb file and remove the "RENORMAL" prefix from the material in the Matl Editor.