Hook Cleanup Pits - ScalefreeCOM/datavault4dbt GitHub Wiki

This macro should be used as a post hook for each PIT table, whenever a logarithmic snapshot logic is used. The macro deletes all records in a PIT table, that are no longer active. Deletion is no problem here because no actual data is deleted, only pointers to satellite entries.

Parameters Data Type Required Default Value Explanation
snapshot_relation string mandatory - The name of the dbt model that creates the snapshot table / view, that has the logarithmic snapshot logic applied.
snapshot_trigger_column string optional datavault4dbt.snapshot_trigger_column The name of the boolean column inside the snapshot tables, that activate/deactivate single snapshots.
sdts string optional datavault4dbt.sdts_alias The name of the snapshot date timestamp column inside the snapshot table.

Example Usage:

An example usage for applying this macro as a post hook for a PIT table would look like this inside the PIT source_models config block:

        "{{ config(post_hook="{{ datavault4dbt.clean_up_pit('control_snap_view') }}") }}"
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