Tools for Topology Optimization - ScalableDesign/TopoTools GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the TopoTools wiki!
Some basic tools for Topology Optimization:
ToPy: python program, uniform grid, 2D/3D (
TopOpt_in_PETSc: fully parallel framework for conducting very large scale topology optimization on structured grids ( and Git
ToOptiX: python scripts, use CalculiX or Octave solver (.inp input files), 2D/3D, structure and thermal load (
PLATO: no-GUI, exodus II data model or GMSH mesh input (
BESO: Python script to use CalculiX solver and .inp data file (
Fenics-ToOpt: uniform grid, 2D, FENICS solver (
CCX-Shape: Simple shape optimization script per nodal shifting, CalculiX FE solver (
- exo2osh : with PLATO
- ( SEACAS: Sandia Engineering Analysis Code Access System to access EXODUS II (
Mesh read/write
- MeshIO: mesh converter and access in Python (