Citation: ORNL DAAC 2018. MODIS and VIIRS Land Products Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month dd, yyyy. Subset obtained for [Product name] product at [Lat],[Lon], time period: [Start date] to [End date], and subset size: [Width] x [Height] km.
Contains fire hotspots only
Specific spatial/temporal ranges have to be requested
Type: assimilated
Spatial Range: global
Spatial Resolution: 500m x 500m
Temporal Range: 2012-01-20-Present
Temporal Resolution: sub-daily
Variables (returned ones are in bold):
confidence: Confidence of individual hotspots (percent, >=0, <=100)
frp: Fire radiative power (MW)
brightness: brightness of the pixel (Kelvin)
bright_t31: Fire pixel channel I4 brightness temperature (Kelvin)