Specifications - SaxanLoster/Maze-Lua GitHub Wiki

I have designed this game to be a simple square maze. The point of the game is to get from the top left of the maze to the bottom right. The game ends when the player make his way onto the final tile. The game has three difficulty modes, each generating a maze twice as big as the last.

The maze is generated using numbers from 1 to 15 to represent each tile. Each tile starts as a 0 and as the maze generator create the maze it breaks down wall between tiles. The breaking of these wall is represent by adding numbers to the tile's value. If the top wall is broken a 1 is added, 2 for the right wall, 4 for the bottom wall, and 8 for the left wall. In the images folder there are 15 images representing tiles with each combination of missing walls. The main game program also uses the value of each tile to generate arrows allow the player to move in the direction of the path.

My plans for this game include getting more art assets to vary the look of tiles with the same value. As of this moment identical tiles are harder to recognize movement in.