Wine - Sawangg/dotfiles GitHub Wiki

Wine is a compatibility layer to run Windows app in Linux. We're going to install an experimental 64 bits only as well as configure it to run natively in Wayland.


We're going to install the AUR package called wine-wow64. If you haven't done so, enable the use of AUR on your system.

yay -S wine-wow64

Run natively on Wayland

We're going to edit the Wine registery to run natively. To enable it, update the regedit of Wine by running

wine reg.exe add HKCU\\Software\\Wine\\Drivers /v Graphics /d x11,wayland

Wait for the registry update. Now you should be able to run any .exe app natively in Wayland using Wine by running

wine path/to/my.exe

Location of the Windows filesystem

If you want to take a look at the windows filesystem, it is located at ~/.wine/drive_c.