Window Manager - Sawangg/dotfiles GitHub Wiki


Hyprland is a modern Wayland compositor with all the eye candy and built in features we'd want as well as a nice documentation. Install it running

yay -S hyprland-nosystemd-git --mflags "-dd"

If you want to automatically run Hyprland once you're connected, add the Hyprland command to your .bash_profile.
You can then clone my dotfiles from this repository. Remember that the keyboard used is a french layout. Exit your current session and login. You should have the Hyprland desktop on your screen. You can then press WIN+Q to open up a terminal. Run this command to check your hyprland version. Because we installed the git version of the repository, we're on the latest commit.

hyprctl version

Terminal emulator

We're going to use the foot terminal emulator instead of kitty. It does not have any built in network requests, is fast and native to Wayland.

doas pacman -S foot


Because this is a custom terminal on your machine, this sets the terminal env to foot. But you'll want to have a default terminal on all of your SSH hosts because foot probably won't be installed. Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config

Host *
SetEnv TERM=xterm-256color

File explorer

We're going to install yazi for a terminal file explorer

doas pacman -S yazi fzf fd

Application launcher

We're going to use tofi to start our applications

doas yay -S tofi

Notification daemon

doas pacman -S libnotify dunst


doas pacman -S hyprpaper


Screenshoting can be achieved using two packages called grim and slurp.

doas pacman -S grim slurp

Now we can create a bind in our Hyprland config. Don't forget the wl-clipboard support we added previously

bind = , Print, exec, grim -g "$(slurp -d)" - | wl-copy

Pause any process

Color picker

The author of Hyprland created an additional package to get a nice color picker. Install it

yay -S hyprpicker-git

And add the bind in your Hyprland config (to use -a you need wl-clipboard)

bind = $mainMod, H, exec, hyprpicker -a -r -n