KeepassXC - Sawangg/dotfiles GitHub Wiki

KeepassXC is an open source password manager that allows us to be in complete control of our passwords without saving them in the Cloud. It also provides all the features we need. You can install it by running

doas pacman -S keepassxc

You can then run the GUI like any other app by running keepassxc & or starting it with your app launcher.

Sync your database

We're going to setup our own syncing system to be in complete control. You could use a 3rd party solution but you'd add a security risk. TODO

Platform support

KeepassXC supports multiple platforms to autocomplete passwords and more.


You can enable the browser support for your browser of choice by going to the settings and enabling it. Don't forget to install the extension in your browser.


Download KeePassium via the AppStore


You can follow this guide on how to setup 2 factors authentication using KeepassXC.
If you encounter an error after setting up everything correctly, make sure your system clock time is correct.

TODO: Store SSH keys

Go to KeepassXC settings and enable the SSH-agent setting. Make sure your ssh-agent is running by executing ssh-add -l. If you get an error, add eval "$(ssh-agent)" in your .bashrc for example if using bash.

Next, generate a key

Store Git credentials

Install the AUR package called git-credential-keepassxc and configure it

yay -S git-credential-keepassxc
git-credential-keepassxc caller me
git-credential-keepassxc caller add --uid "$(id -u)" --gid "$(id -g)" "$(command -v git)"
git-credential-keepassxc configure
git config --global --replace-all credential.helper 'keepassxc --git-groups'