DWL - Sawangg/dotfiles GitHub Wiki

DWL is a fork for Wayland of the suckless DWM software. It was my previous Wayland compositor and is much more simple that Hyprland.

git clone https://codeberg.org/dwl/dwl.git

Screen resolution

Install the package using the following and run the command to see all the info about your monitor

yay -S wlr-randr

For example you can change the scale of your display to be 150%

wlr-randr --output myoutput --scale 1.5


We're going to use the package swaybg for our wallpaper

sudo pacman -S swaybg

Add the next command to your starting script

swaybg -i /path/to/image

Create a startw script

Similarly to the startx Xorg command, we can create a startw script that will launch our wayland compositor. Create a file called startw and paste this


dwl -s '/home/$USER/init-dwl'

Then make the script executable and move it

chmod +x startw
sudo mv startw /usr/local/bin

Finally create an init-dwl script in your home folder where you'll add all of your commands. Here is mine



wlr-randr --output DP-1 --scale 1.5
swaybg -i /home/$USER/Images/IMG_1019.dng &

Don't forget to make it runnable then you can use startw to start your session

chmod +x init-dwl