Getting Started - SaviorXTanren/MixPlayCreator GitHub Wiki

Getting Started

To get started building a MixPlay project with the MixPlay Creator, you need to follow few steps to get everything you need installed on your PC. This guide will be broken up into two sections; Installing Programs will cover installing the necessary programs to get started and Creating a New Project title will cover creating a new MixPlay project. If you have already performed all of the steps in Installing Programs, you can skip straight to Creating a New Project

Installing Programs

Installing Node.js

Installing Node.js

The first program you will need to install is Node.js, which is a web development framework used to build your MixPlay project. To install this, go to the following link, look for the "Windows Installer (.msi)" option, and click the button for either the 32-bit download or the 64-bit download that corresponds to your computer setup. If you are not sure which option to select, choose the 32-bit option. Run the installation and keep all default options as is unless you know what you are doing. After the installation is complete, it is recommended to restart your computer to ensure all settings have been applied correctly.

Installing Mixer CDK

Installing Mixer CDK

The second program you will need to install is the Mixer Control Development Kit (Mixer CDK). The Mixer CDK is an application that allows you to upload your MixPlay projects up to Mixer to be used. To install this, go to the following link, look under the Assets header, and click the CDK-____.exe link, where the ____ corresponds to the version number listed (EX: In the picture above, the latest version is "1.0.1", so I would click the "CDK-1.0.1.exe" link). Run the installation once the file has downloaded.

Creating a New Project

Creating Project in Mixer CDK

CDK New Project

To start a new project, you must first launch the Mixer CDK and create a new project in there. once you have launched the CDK, select the New Project option. Click "Create a Project" on the first pop-up that appears and then select a folder where you would like to save your project to.

CDK HTML Starter Template

After you select your folder, make sure the "Plain HTML" option is selected on the left, then hit the "Select" button.

CDK Project Details

Enter a name for your project in the first text box or keep the name that is already in there. Ensure that if you enter a custom name, it is as unique as possible as there's a possibility it may fail to upload. Once you have selected a name, hit the "Create My Project" button.

CDK Creating Project

A large pop-up will appear and begin showing lots of detailed information as it begins to build your project. This part can take up to a few minutes depending on your internet speed. Once it is done, a smaller pop-up will appear that you can close out.

CDK Login

On the main project page, the first thing you will need to do is log in to your Mixer account. Click on the upper-right corner where it says "Not Logged In" and shows the default blue Mixer User icon. When the pop-up above appears, click on the link and log in with your Mixer account.

CDK Link Project

The final step will be to link this new project with a MixPlay project. You will need to go to and create a new MixPlay project for us to link this CDK project to. Once that is done, go into the CDK, click on "Control Schema" on the menu bar, and then select "Upload to Linked Interactive Game". On the pop-up, select the "Link" button next to MixPlay project you created.

Loading CDK Project in MixPlay Creator

You're not all set to start using your project in the MixPlay Creator! Launch the MixPlay Creator, select the "New Project" button, and then select the folder where you created your CDK project.