Contributing - Satellite-im/Core-PWA GitHub Wiki

External Contributors


In general, please do the following if you want to contribute.

  1. Fork the repository to your own Github account
  2. Create your local branch based off of the dev branch in your fork
  3. Make your changes to your local branch. Once you are ready to commit your changes, check out this commit guide. We have a linter that forces at least the {type}({scope}): {subject}
  4. If there have been changes to dev while you have been working on your branch
    • Go to Github, and update your dev branch to match the Core-PWA repo with the fetch upstream link
    • Locally, update your copy of dev
    • Switch back to your branch
    • git rebase dev so your changes are on top
    • Deal with any conflicts until you end up with your commits on top of the current version of dev
  5. Push your changes up to your forked Github repository
    • If you need to force push to your own fork (eg, you had pushed your changes up earlier, and have since rebased your changes on top of current dev) this is fine
  6. Initiate the pull request back to satellite-im/Core-PWA dev branch on Github from your feature branch in your fork
    • If you already had a pull request open from your branch of your fork, a push or force push will be seen by us/no need to submit a new pull request

Internal Contributors


  1. Follow the instructions for Contributing for External Contributors, except internal members have access to branch in the main git repo
  2. When you need to update your branch REBASE instead of merging the changes so there are fewer files touched and fewer commits in your pull request.
  3. Pull requests must be approved by two developers and by the QA Team.