Windows installation guide - Saschanski/HuaweiWebApi GitHub Wiki
Windows installation guide
- Text Editor (Notepad ++ for ex.)
- Windows 7/10 with a Wifi (either integrated or a stick - both is fine)
- Second machine for the server - either
- VirtualBox & the preconfigured Image or
- a physical second machine
First install the .NET SDK and VirtualBox if you want to run the server on the local machine.
I recommend using VirtualBox since it rules out issues that could appear using a second system.
After installing VirtualBox import the image HuaweiRecoveryServer.ova
by clicking on File->Import Appliance...
After import is done start the machine. The network is running in bridged mode using a IP assgined by the DHCP of your router. That way we can access the server directly.
You will encounter this screen --
Click on Change Network Settings then choose a adapter with working internet access from the name dropdown. Now click OK to submit the changes. The Virtual Machine will now boot.
You won't be able to use the internet properly yet cause there is no DNS server running This Huawei Recovery server will be the DNS server
Login details for the system
Username: xda
Password: adx
Get the machines network IP address using
Open up putty and ssh into the server using the IP from ifconfig
on port 22
In putty now change the directory to the HuaweiWebApi clone.
cd /home/xda/GitHub/HuaweiWebApi/HuaweiWebApi
Restore eventual missing dependencies.
sudo dotnet restore
Now run the Huawei Recovery Server
sudo dotnet run
Open up another putty window. Since the application is probably old we need to update it using
cd /home/xda/GitHub/HuaweiWebApi/HuaweiWebApi
git reset --hard HEAD
git pull
Once that is done close this Putty window and switch back to the Putty window running the dotnet application. Stop the program using:
Ctrl + c
Open up WinScp and connect using the same settings like in putty.
Navigate to:
Right click the file Config.json
and click edit.
The content will look like this
"FirmwareSettings": {
"FirmwareName": "PRA-LX1C432B110",
"FirmwareVersion": "PRA-LX1C432B110",
"FirmwareLink": ""
"RedirectIP": ""
In RedirectIP put in the address you got from ifconfig
You can get the FirmwareLink for your phone at the website of pro-teammt:
FirmwareName & FirmwareVersion are actually not important. You can put whatever in. Just make sure the link is like above.
If your phone is currently soft bricked you should get a FullOTA-MF variant for a complete restore.
When you're done editing the file save and close the editor. WinScp automatically updates the file on the virtual machine.
Now run the RecoveryServer again
sudo dotnet run
Virtual Wifi
Next thing is to actually route the phones traffic to the machine the application is running on.
You can do it through your router and change the DNS entry to the IP of the machine where the application is running. I can't help on that tho since there are a million different router.
Another way would be creating a Virtual WIFI. If you got a laptop/netbook with integrated wifi or a wifi stick you can setup one easily.
On your windows machine open up a CMD and enter following commands
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="Huawei Recovery Service" key=password123 keyUsage=persistent
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
You'll see a new connection in your network settings. Now you need to enable internet sharing.
Click on the Ethernet or Wifi label of your default internet connection. Now click on properties and switch to Sharing tab.
Check the "Allow other network users..." checkbox and choose the created virtual wifi in the dropdown. Click OK & Close.
Now switch to the properties of the virtual wifi.
In the Networking tab double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
Select "Use the following DNS server addresses" and put in the IP you got from the ifconfig
Click OK and Close.
Now restart the Virtual Wifi. Again commands in cmd.
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Connect your phone to the VirtualWifi and restore from e recovery or update in Android.
That should cover it.