2. Setting Things Up - SarthakJha/IECSE-Web-Summer-21 GitHub Wiki

You will need to install the following applications to get started with your base course in Summer Web 21.

Node.js and npm:

Node.js is a runtime environment that lets you run JavaScript outside of your browser. JavaScript is the language that is interpreted by a browser when it loads up a webpage. A lot of the fancy features you see on the web which involve user interaction utilize javascript written code. Node.Js lets you use this language outside of just your browser's Dev Tools console. NPM or Node Package Manager as you guessed it allows you to manage and install user-defined libraries from a vast collection of packages registered.

Download Link

Once done with the download, you can check if it's properly installed by running node on your console.

>$ node --version
>$ node
> console.log("Hello World")
Hello World
> 1+'1'


Postman is software that allows you to manage and test your calls to an API without having to write a fully implemented frontend code for the same. This tool is an absolute time saver when it comes to debugging your routes.

Download Link


You are free to use any IDE that you'd like to use, and it has no say whatsoever in the processing of your code. However, a lot of IDEs offer autocompletion features that let your working with third-party packages easier. We recommend using vs code.

VS Code


Vanilla JS

The language that all the frameworks we'll be using during the course of this project are based on JavaScript. Vanilla JS is the term used for applications that use just JavaScript, and no other libraries on top of it. Following are some links to getting familiarity with the language. Go through them while you install all the above-mentioned software.