Lab Assignment 1 A - SaratM34/KDM-Lab-Assignments GitHub Wiki
Name: Mudunuri Sri Sai Sarat Chandra Varma
ClassID: 14
Mail: [email protected]
Objective: This Lab objective is to create a Scala project using Scala and SBT and add library to SBT and also we have to create a project in Pycharm and add library to python interpreter and create Github and Zenhub Tool accounts. And to create 3 iterations, at least 5 tasks, show analytics graph.
IDE's used:
- Intellij
- Pycharm
1) Create a Scala Project
- Created a Scala Project: Created a Scala project in Intellij.
- Added libraries to SBT: Added the StanfordCoreNlp libraries to SBT and used in the project for processing NLP tasks.
- Library Import: Imported the StanfordCoreNlp libraries to project and also imported required java libraries.
2) Create a Pycharm Project
- Created a Pycharm Project: Created a python project using PyCharm.
- Added libraries to python interpreter: Added required librares: NLTK, Numpy, NLTK_data and imported them into project.
3)Create a Github Account
- Created a Github Account named "SaratM34" and created two repositories "KDM-Lab-Assignments", "CS5560-KDM-Final-Project" and cloned the repositories to my local machine.
- Cloned the repositories to local machine.
4)Create a ZenHub Account
- Created ZenHub Tool Account and created 9 tasks.
- Created 3 iterations for the created 9 tasks.
- Created a board
- Analytics graph for Iteration 1
- Analytics graph for Iteration 2
- Analytics graph for Iteration 3