FaMe modeler - SaraPettinari/fame GitHub Wiki

For the modeling and configuration phases, the designer can exploit a customized BPMN modeler built upon the bpmn-js toolkit. Indeed, the \fame-modeler interface embeds the BPMN modeling environment and the following functionalities.

  • The palette contains the BPMN graphical elements used to design a process model.
  • The canvas is where BPMN elements are placed to form the process modeler.
  • The property panel provides a space for viewing and modifying properties or attributes of selected elements.
  • The QoS module checkbox indicates whether or not activating the QoS compatibility checker.
  • The ROS connection button initializes the connection with the ROS network.

The modeler exploits the BPMN extension element tag to include additional data and message exchange information in the .bpmn file. This approach ensures compatibility with other modeling tools while allowing FaMe to enrich the BPMN representation with specific details. In this regard, the BPMN property panel plays a key role in enriching the model with this information. Therefore, the FaMe-modeler implements all the functionalities of a BPMN modeler while supporting the configuration of the element through an extended and customized property panel.