How to get started! - SaphieNyako/Feywild GitHub Wiki

How to get started with Feywild?

(This info is for 1.19 only. 1.16 is chapter 1 and doesn't contain all the new features introduced with chapter 2.)

With the Feywild mod you can summon all different kinds of Fey. Fey are the denizens of the Feywild. Pixies, Shroomlings, Mandragora and Tree ents can be summoned. All have different abilities.

To do this you require a summoning scroll containing a fey.

You start with a Pixie summoning scroll of a specific Seasonal Court. The pixie will have a whole questline. This is mostly for fun but it does give you a special item when completing.

Feywild has JEI integration so any recipe can be found with JEI.

To make your first summoning scroll you require:

  1. Paper
  2. a feather
  3. Fey ink bottle

To make Fey ink you need:

  1. Fey dust
  2. an Ink sac
  3. a bottle
  4. A Mandrake

Step one: Obtain Fey dust

Option 1: Find a pixie and kill it.

Pixies can be found in the overworld. Summer pixies can only be found in biomes tagged as hot. Winter pixies can only be found in biomes tagged as cold.

Option 2: Give a pixie some cookies.

Pixies love cookies, it heals them and wild pixies will follow you for a while. If you give them a cookie they may give you fey dust.

Option 3: Find a Fey Tree.

As these trees are created by fey magic their leaves will drop fey dust.

Step Two: Craft a guide book

Option 1: Craft a guide book with a crafting table This requires:

  1. A book
  2. Fey dust

Option 2: Find a library A library can be found in a Plains biome. There are not rare, but the more biomes are added with a modpack, the harder they are to find.

The librarian hold all kinds of books depending on what mods are installed. (If you are missing some let us know!)

On of the books is the Feywild Lexicon

Step Three: Find a mandrake seed

Find a Fey tree.

The leaves of these tree often hold the seeds of a mandrake.

Step Four: Plant and grow a mandrake

You can plant the mandrake seed in farmland. Growing them requires bonemeal. Carefull! Mandrakes are known to scream when being handled. Ones grown you can pull them out.

Step Five: Make a summoning scroll

To make your first summoning scroll you require:

  1. Paper
  2. a feather
  3. Fey ink bottle

To make Fey ink you need:

  1. Fey dust
  2. an Ink sac
  3. a bottle
  4. A Mandrake

This can be crafted in any crafting table.

Step Six: Find or Craft a Fey Altar

The Fey Altars are statues of an Arch Feys or Rulers of a Seasonal Court.

  • Queen Titania
  • Queen Mab
  • Ashe, the Elder Ent
  • Oberron (not yet released)

Option 1: Find a village

Some village will have a small structure to worship one of the Arh Fey. You can use them there or break them down and steal them.

Option 2: Craft a Fey Altar:

  1. 2x Fey Dust
  2. 3x Stone (forge:stone)
  3. 2x Iron Ingot
  4. a Diamond
  5. A sapling of a Fey Tree.

The sapling determines what the statue will look like.

Step Seven: Create one of the Pixie Summoning Scrolls

To create a summoning scroll you have to give items to the Fey altar by right clicking with the item. Once you offered the correct combination of items it will turn into the desired item. Items can be taken out by Shift-Right clicking with an empty hand or destroying the altar.

Summoning Scroll Spring Pixie:

  1. Summoning Scroll
  2. Spring Tree Sapling
  3. Oxeye Daisy
  4. Wheat Seeds
  5. Egg

Summoning Scroll Summer Pixie:

  1. Summoning Scroll
  2. Summer Tree Sapling
  3. Sunflower
  4. Honeycomb
  5. Golden sword

Summoning Scroll Autumn Pixie:

  1. Summoning Scroll
  2. Autumn Tree Sapling
  3. Carved Pumpkin
  4. Red or Brown Mushroom
  5. Iron Hoe

Summoning Scroll Winter Pixie:

  1. Summoning Scroll
  2. Winter Tree Sapling
  3. Snowball
  4. Ice (block)
  5. Rotten Flesh

Step Eight: Summon Your Pixie and start the quest

You can now summon your pixie by right clicking with the summoning scroll. The pixie will follow or stay in place by shift right clicking.

You can find in your guide book how to better handle your Fey.

When you summoned a pixie you will also recieve an empty summoning scroll. You can put your pixie back into the scroll by left clicking them with the empty summoning scroll.

Once summoned right click the pixie with a empty hand.

You can now start your questline!

The questline is unique to each of the seasonal pixies.

Step Nine: Obtain a Feywild Teleportation Orb

After doing a few quests the pixie will allow you to make a Feywild Teleportation Orb. Once obtained you can teleport to the Feywild.

(The Feywild dimension is still a work in progress)

Step Ten: Obtain Fey ore/gems

To summon other Fey you will need Fey gems. These can be obtained from Fey Ores found in the Feywild Dimension.

But be carefull not all denizens of the Feywild are friendly.

Have fun and see you in the Feywild!

This info is for 1.19 only. 1.16 is chapter 1 and doesn't contain all the new features introduced with chapter 2.

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