Simple Range Sliders - SaneDevelopment/WPF-Controls GitHub Wiki

SimpleNumericRangeSlider and SimpleDateTimeRangeSlider are controls similar to System.Windows.Controls.Slider, but let the user select two values (or range) instead of one.


SimpleDateTimeRangeSlider is a control absolutely similar to SimpleNumericRangeSlider, but has DateTime values of some properties (such as Minimum, Maximum, StartValue, EndValue and so on) instead of double values.


User can change values by moving a Thumb or by pressing a keys on keyboard:

Key gesture Activated command
PageUp IncreaseRangeLarge
LeftCtrl + PageUp IncreaseStartLarge
RightCtrl + PageUp IncreaseEndLarge
PageDown DecreaseRangeLarge
LeftCtrl + PageDown DecreaseStartLarge
RightCtrl + PageDown DecreaseEndLarge
Up Arrow, Right Arrow IncreaseRangeSmall
LeftCtrl + Up Arrow, LeftCtrl + Right Arrow IncreaseStartSmall
RightCtrl + Up Arrow, RightCtrl + Right Arrow IncreaseEndSmall
Down Arrow, Left Arrow DecreaseRangeSmall
LeftCtrl + Down Arrow, LeftCtrl + Left Arrow DecreaseStartSmall
RightCtrl + Down Arrow, RightCtrl + Left Arrow DecreaseEndSmall
Home MinimizeRangeValue
LeftCtrl + Home MinimizeStartValue
RightCtrl + Home MinimizeEndValue
End MaximizeRangeValue
LeftCtrl + End MaximizeStartValue
RightCtrl + End MaximizeEndValue


Common properties for all range sliders:

Property Description
AutoToolTipFormat Gets or sets the standard or custom format string for any value of range. Ignored if AutoToolTipValueConverter is set. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
AutoToolTipPlacement Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the slider displays when the any thumb is pressed. If a tooltip is displayed, this property also specifies the placement of the tooltip. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
AutoToolTipValueConverter Gets or sets the IRangeValueToStringConverter<T> that converts any value of range (StartValue, EndValue, etc.) to the string showing in tooltip. If not null then AutoToolTipFormat ignoring. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
AutoToolTipValueConverterParameter Gets or sets the additional parameter for the IRangeValueToStringConverter<T>. Designed as a parameter for the specific converter. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
Delay Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds that a RepeatButton waits, while it is pressed, before a command to move the thumb executes, such as a Decrease*Large command. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
EndReservedSpace Gets the size of space reserved between right/bottom edge of the control and right/bottom end of embedded TickBar. Evaluates from thumb's width/height. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
EndValue Gets or sets the current end value of the range element.
Interval Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds between increase or decrease commands when a user clicks the RepeatButton of a slider. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
IsDragRangeEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether RangeThumb can be draged thereby the whole RangeValue changes. If false, user can move only StartThumb or EndThumb independently. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
IsRaiseValueChangedWhileDragging Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event ValueChanged raises while dragging any of thumbs. If false, the event raises only right after dragging stoped (e.g. user releases mouse button). (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
IsRangeDragging Gets a value indicating whether this element is in process of dragging (any of thumbs) now. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
IsSingleValue Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is behaves like a ordinary System.Windows.Controls.Slider. That is, StartValue equals to EndValue and RangeVale equals to 0. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>)
IsSnapToTickEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the slider automatically moves the thumb to the closest tick mark. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
LargeChange Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of a control when any of the *Large command raises.
Maximum Gets or sets the highest possible value of the range element.
Minimum Gets or sets the minimum possible value of the range element.
MinRangeValue Gets or sets the minimum possible value of the RangeValue.
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of a slider. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
RangeValue Gets the current range value, i.e. EndValue - StartValue. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>)
SmallChange Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of a control when any of the *Small command raises.
StartReservedSpace Gets the size of space reserved between left/top edge of the control and left/top end of embedded TickBar. Evaluates from thumb's width/height. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)
StartValue Gets or sets the current start value of the range element.
TickFrequency Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.
TickLabelConverter Gets or sets the IDoubleToStringConverter that converts tick value to the string. If not set then uses CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat format provider.
TickLabelConverterParameter Gets or sets the additional parameter for the IDoubleToStringConverter. Designed as a parameter for the specific converter.
TickPlacement Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the track of the slider. (Inherited from SimpleRangeSlider<T, TInterval>)

Properties specific for SimpleNumericRangeSlider:

Property Description
AutoToolTipPrecision Gets or sets the number of decimal places to use in double values converted to strings showing in tooltip. Ignored if AutoToolTipValueConverter is set.
Ticks Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a slider. This is collection of double values: DoubleCollection.

Properties specific for SimpleDateTimeRangeSlider:

Property Description
MaximumAsDouble Gets the double value of Maximum property. This is a value of DateTime.Ticks converted to double. Can be used in scenarios of binding to double-typed dependency properties of other controls (such as ordinary System.Windows.Controls.Slider).
MinimumAsDouble Gets the double value of Minimum property. This is a value of DateTime.Ticks converted to double. Can be used in scenarios of binding to double-typed dependency properties of other controls (such as ordinary System.Windows.Controls.Slider).
TickFrequencyAsDouble Gets the double value of TickFrequency property. This is a value of DateTime.Ticks converted to double. Can be used in scenarios of binding to double-typed dependency properties of other controls (such as ordinary System.Windows.Controls.Slider)
Ticks Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a slider. This is collection of DateTime values: DateTimeCollection
TicksAsDouble Gets the positions of the tick marks to display for a slider. This is collection of double values: DoubleCollection, copied from Ticks property (via converting DateTime.Ticks to double). Can be used in scenarios of binding to double-typed dependency properties of other controls (such as ordinary System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickBar.Ticks).


You can manipulate range slider values by the following commands via command binding in XAML or code behind.

Command Description
DecreaseEndLarge Decreases the EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the LargeChange property.
DecreaseEndSmall Decreases the EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the SmallChange property.
DecreaseRangeLarge Decreases the both StartValue and EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the LargeChange property.
DecreaseRangeSmall Decreases the both StartValue and EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the SmallChange property.
DecreaseStartLarge Decreases the StartValue of the slider by the same amount as the LargeChange property.
DecreaseStartSmall Decreases the StartValue of the slider by the same amount as the SmallChange property.
IncreaseEndLarge Increases the EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the LargeChange property.
IncreaseEndSmall Increases the EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the SmallChange property.
IncreaseRangeLarge Increases the both StartValue and EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the LargeChange property.
IncreaseRangeSmall Increases the both StartValue and EndValue of the slider by the same amount as the SmallChange property.
IncreaseStartLarge Increases the StartValue of the slider by the same amount as the LargeChange property.
IncreaseStartSmall Increases the StartValue of the slider by the same amount as the SmallChange property.
MaximizeEndValue Sets the EndValue of the slider to the Maximum value.
MaximizeRangeValue Sets the EndValue of the slider to the Maximum value and increases the StartValue by the same amount. In other words, shifts the whole range to the Maximum.
MaximizeStartValue Sets the StartValue of the slider to the Maximum value.
MinimizeEndValue Sets the EndValue of the slider to the Minimum value.
MinimizeRangeValue Sets the StartValue of the slider to the Minimum value and decreases the EndValue by the same amount. In other words, shifts the whole range to the Minimum.
MinimizeStartValue Sets the StartValue of the slider to the Minimum value.


Event Description
EndValueChanged Occurs when the EndValue changes. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>.)
IsRangeDraggingChanged Occurs when the IsRangeDragging changes. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>.)
RangeDragCompleted Occurs when dragging of any of thumbs stoped (e.g. user releases mouse button). (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>.)
RangeValueChanged Occurs when the RangeValue changes. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>.)
StartValueChanged Occurs when the StartValue changes. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>.)
ValueChanged Occurs when any (or both) of the StartValue and EndValue changes. (Inherited from RangeBaseControl<T, TInterval>.)