Range Tracks - SaneDevelopment/WPF-Controls GitHub Wiki

NumericRangeTrack and DateTimeRangeTrack are control primitives similar to System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Track, but have three thumbs instead of one.

The Framework's Track scheme looks like this:

Track on Slider

NumericRangeTrack's scheme is:


Uses as a control template for SimpleNumericRangeSlider and ZoomBar.


The code for NumericRangeTrack was initially based on source code of System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Track, extracted from PresentationFramework.dll (thanks to the Reflector). Original code was analized and enhanced for the purposes of range track.


DateTimeRangeTrack is a control primitive absolutely similar to NumericRangeTrack, but has System.DateTime values of some properties (such as Minimum, Maximum, StartValue, EndValue and so on) instead of double values.

Uses as a control template for SimpleDateTimeRangeSlider.