Namespace - Sandeep-K-Khandelwal/CKAD GitHub Wiki

  • Namespaces are used to isolate resources in the Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubernetes create a default namespace as part of the cluster setup
  • Kubernetes create resources in the current namespace if not specified
  • Kubernetes resources can be created in another namespace by using --namespace=<namespace_name> option in the command line
  • A new namespace can be created using the following command - kubectl create namespace <namespace_name>
  • The YML to create the namespace is as follows -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: dev
  • We can switch the namespace using the following command - kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=<namespace_name>
  • Use --all-namespaces to get the information from all namespaces
  • The DNS to access the service from another namespace - Here db-service is the service name, marketing is the namespace name, svc is the subdomain for the services and cluster.local is the default cluster