Getting started - SanPen/GridCal GitHub Wiki


As simple as:

pip install GridCal (Windows)

pip3 install GridCal (Linux / OSX)

Run with user interface

From a Python console:

from GridCal.ExecuteGridCal import run


Or directly from the shell:

python -c "from GridCal.ExecuteGridCal import run; run()"(Windows, with python 3.5 or higher)

python3 -c "from GridCal.ExecuteGridCal import run; run()" (Linux/OSX)

The GUI should pop up.


The standard Anaconda distribution works out of the box. Otherwise install the listed packages in your Python distribution using pip.

i.e. in the system command prompt, type pip install <package name>

Stand-alone Python + Gridcal installation

  • Download the anaconda installer from here. Pick the python 3.x version in 64 bits.
  • Install python in a separated folder. Do not mark the installation for all the users nor to add it to the PATH.
  • Copy Gridcal to the same folder where the Anaconda Python was installed.
  • Once installed, create a .bat file containing .\Anaconda\python .\GridCal\
  • Gridcal is executable by double-clicking the .bat file. Should work out of the box.


I have experience in Ubuntu only, but you should be able to install everything from the package manager.

  • The stand-alone instructions are valid for Linux only that instead of a .bat file it must be a .sh file

Updating Numpy and Scipy

You will be asked for the BLAS/LAPACK libraries and for a FORTRAN compiler, for that do:

sudo apt-get install gfortran libblas-dev liblapack-dev

Then try upgrading the Python3 Numpy and Scipy packages

sudo pip3 install --upgrade numpy

sudo pip3 install --upgrade scipy

Somehow the Pip3 version installed from the Ubuntu repositories might not be able handle Numpy/Scipy updates. In that case we need to update the Pip3 command first: sudo easy_install3 -U pip3


Since I don't have an apple system I have no clue, but if you manage to install the Anaconda python distribution you should be good.

  • The stand-alone instructions should be valid for OSX, only that instead of a .bat file it must be a .sh file.


Consider viewing the Zero tutorial that explains how to clone the repository and run the software.

On your system you'll need a version of Python 3 installed with the following packages:

  • Numpy
  • Scipy (version 0.17 at least. The simplex solver linprog is provided since 2015)
  • Scikit-learn
  • NetworkX
  • Pandas (make sure you have the latest version)
  • xlwt
  • xlrd
  • xlsxwriter
  • Matplotlib
  • PyQt5

Using GridCal as a library

You can use the calculation engine directly or from other applications:

from GridCal.grid.CircuitOO import *

Then you can create the grid objects and access the simulation objects as demonstrated in the test scripts in the test folder.
