MVP List - SamuelChu91/MoodTube GitHub Wiki
Functional Goals!
- User Auth (login/logout, signup, guest/demo login/logout) .
- Users can login/logout and signup
- Users can login as guest to sample site functionality
- Some features are only available to logged in users
- bonus: maybe think about adding profile for users
- Videos .
- Any user can look at videos
- Logged in users can post, edit and delete THEIR videos
- Videos have comments, views, likes and dislikes
- Comments .
- Any user can view the comments on a video (they render below them, maybe infinite scroll depending on number)
- Logged in users can post, edit and delete THEIR comments
- Comments belong to a video (or profile with enough time)
- Comments can be replied to other comments (create a 'thread')
- Have likes and dislikes
- Search Bar .
- Take them to an index(or show?) page of videos
- Let them input text to query database
- Have different filters and search methods?
- Likes and Dislikes.
- Tracks count on both the video comments and the video itself
- Comment like/dislike belongs to a user and comment
- Video like/dislike belongs to a user and video
- Views .
- Similar to likes but only for videos