Commit Policy - Samsung/WATT GitHub Wiki
Commit policy
We recommend that you make 1 commit for each pull request. If you want to append many commits into the pull request, you or reviewer have to squash commits before merging them.
Commit message
You should add following content to your commit message:
Issue ID (If there is an issue number, write a url with the 'Issue:')
Signed off (You can add the signed-off using git '-s' option)
WATT patch
This is example patch for the WATT
Signed-off-by: WATT <[email protected]>
It would be good to comment when the commit is related to known issue.
Coding styles
We have to abide by the following coding styles:
- Node: Node-style-guide
- Brackets: Brackets-Coding-Conventions We recommend to run "grunt check" before uploading a pull request.
Review policy
To merge your pull request, you have to get approved by reviewers.
- HunseopJeong
- hyundukkim
- Jw00
- Kwanghyuk-Kim
- sy302-park
- ws29jung
To See full contributing document, refer to