Connecting GitHub Live page to Domain - Samskrita-Bharati/ GitHub Wiki

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Goal : How to setup live GitHub Page and connect it to the domain.


  1. Login to the Domain provider, In our case it is ''.

  2. Write the code of the webpage that you want to make it live.

  3. Open the GitHub and clone the repository to the Local machine.

  4. copy all files and folder to the git repo we have just cloned into our machine.

  5. Use Git CLI or Git GUI to add and push the git repo change we have just made.

  6. After pushing the code to GitHub, go to setting page and scroll down until we get the option of GitHub Live Pages.

  7. click drop down and select /root option and click save, to make it live.

  8. Now we will get the hyperlink to route to our page we just made it live.

  9. Search the google, custom domain GitHub IP and click the first link.

  10. scroll till you find the 4 IPv4 address. copy 1st address and go to account and select "Nameservers and DNS".

  11. Click on DNS record toggle button, and TYPE should be A, Paste that copied address in the ANSWER field and Click ADD.

  12. Repeat this steps and copy all the Address one by one.

  13. after copying all the steps, go to 'Code' section of the GitHub page and create a file named 'CNAME'.

  14. at Last type to the file (without any spaces), save and visit the website.