CVars - SamsaraDevs/samsaraJunk GitHub Wiki

Sometimes people like certain settings over another. Sometimes people want a pretty vanilla experience, other times they wanna go balls-out crazy. After TerminusEst13 discovered the magic of archivecvar and consolecommand, he started making all sorts of cvars. After ijon joined, the number of cvars shot up dramatically. 0.29 rolled around, and suddenly the amount of serverside CVars doubled in response to "so what do we do now".

Basically what we're saying is that we're giant cvar whores.


samsara_banjetpack: Since Duke's jetpack can very easily break maps, there's a CVar to disable them. Set to 1 to disable jetpacks, replacing them with 8x boot damage.
samsara_banwolfmove: Because people bitched about Wolfenstein movement being too hard to deal with, there's a CVar to disable it. Set to 1 to make Blazko's feet as icy as everyone else's.
samsara_nocustomgravity: Similar story with SO's and Ranger's lower gravity. Set to 1 to un-floatify them.
samsara_jumpmod: Hexen should have this value set to 9 (it needs it), and Strife should have it set to -8 (otherwise maps can be broken via jumping). Everything else should have it at 0. Or maybe you could go 100 and sv_gravity 100 to go full retard.
samsara_permault: Determines whether slot 7 pickups respect sv_weaponstay or not.
samsara_permaquad: If set to 1, Ranger's Quad Damage inventory item will persist and recharge for multiple uses.
samsara_lmsult: Determines whether you get your slot 7 in LMS.
samsara_lmslife: Changes how much health and armor you spawn with in LMS. Setting it to 0 gives you 100 health only. 1 gives 100 health and 100 armor, 2 gives 200 health and armor, and so on, up to 5.
samsara_lmsrules: Determines whether or not LMS rules (all weapons/ammo, increased health armor, etc) are used in non-LMS play.
samsara_chainsawstart: If at 1, you get your Slot 1 on spawn. If at 2, it also comes with full ammo. Defaults to 0.
samsara_uniquestart: If at 1, you get a unique on enter, If at 2, you get all your uniques at enter. If at 3, you get a unique on all spawns. If at 4, you get all your uniques on all spawns. Defaults to 0.
samsara_backpackstart: If at 1, you get a backpack on spawn. Defaults to 0.
samsara_peoplediewhentheyarekilled: You die. You explode. A value of 1 makes a 512 damage, 384 radius explosions; 2 makes 1024/768 explosions; 3 makes 8192/2048 explosions. Defaults to 0.
samsara_punchdrunk: If on, all your non-fist weapons are taken, all non-chainsaw weapons disabled, and all ranged weapons are replaced with melee weapons. Defaults to 0.
samsara_punchdrunkuniques: If on, the Punchdrunk uniques are used instead of normal uniques. Defaults to 0.
samsara_punchdrunksaws: If on, the Punchdrunk chainsaws are used instead of normal chainsaws. Defaults to 0.
samsara_nohealthcap: Determines whether health pickups stop healing normally, or go on effectively forever. If this is on, Parias and Corvus cannot carry health items. Defaults to 0.
samsara_nomonologues: Don't wanna wade through a giant paragraph, just wanna meet the boss and kick ass? Switch this to 1, and there'll be no more boss yammerings.
samsara_noult: If set to 1, slot 7 weapons will not spawn.
samsara_nounique: If set to 1, unique items will not spawn.
samsara_noinvuln: If set to 1, invulnerability powerups will not spawn.
samsara_dukesoundboard: If set to 1, Duke is given inventory items corresponding to his different taunt types. Go crazy.
samsara_superturboturkeypuncher3000: Causes chickens to rain endlessly from the sky. If set to 1, aggressive chickens will spawn. If set to 2, cowardly ones will spawn. If set to 3, friendly ones will spawn. Defaults to 0.
samsara_superturboturkeylimit: Determines the amount of chicken kills a player needs to win. Defaults to 0 (which is unlimited).
samsara_superturboturkeyfrequency: Determines the chicken spawn rate in tics. Defaults to 35 (35 tics being one second).
samsara_classiclaz: If set to 1, the LAZ Device will have its BFG9000-like function.
samsara_allcanrj: If set to 1, Chex/BJ/Parias will be able to rocketjump.
samsara_pistolammo: All classes' starting weapons consume ammunition. Keep in mind that Ranger's will use Shell ammo instead of Clip ammo.
samsara_ban[class]: Prevents a class from being playable. [class] can be: doomguy, chex, corvus, bj, parias, duke, so, and ranger.
samsara_[class]damage: Adjusts a class's damage multiplier. Can go from -10 to 30.
samsara_[class]defense: Adjusts a class's defense multiplier. Can go from -10 to 20.
samsara_armormode: Determines the types of armor that spawn.

  • Mode 0: Everything is normal.

  • Mode 1: Quake-style armor.

    • Green armor: green color, 100AP, 30% protection
    • Yellow armor: yellow color, 150AP, 60% protection
    • If yellow armor is on the map:
      • Blue armor: red color, 200AP, 80% protection
      • Red armor: silver color, 250AP, 90% protection, fire resistance
    • Otherwise:
      • Blue armor: yellow color, 150AP, 60% protection
      • Red armor: red color, 200AP, 80% protection
  • Mode 2: Quake-style armor, with each armor moved up one slot.

    • Green armor: yellow color, 150AP, 60% protection
    • Yellow armor: yellow color, 150AP, 60% protection
    • Blue armor: red color, 200AP, 80% protection
    • Red armor: silver color, 250AP, 90% protection, fire resistance
  • Mode 3: Marathon-style armor. All armors have 100% protection.

    • Green armor: red color, 100AP
    • Yellow armor: orange color, 150AP
    • Blue armor:
      • If yellow armor is on the map, purple color, 300AP
      • Otherwise, yellow color, 200AP
    • Red armor: purple color, 300AP
  • Mode 4: No armor.


samsara_cl_printpickup: In case you liked the old behaviour, setting this 1 causes pickup messages to be Print'd, rather than Log'd.
samsara_cl_moremessages: If set to 1, weapon slot and unique pickups will have additional messages. Watch as you never turn this off again.
samsara_cl_pickupmode: Customizes the appearance of the weapon/unique slot pickups. If at 0, pickups will appear as skulls with an octagonal border, and numbered by slot. If at 1, the skulls inside the border are replaced with weapon/item sprites respective to the current class. If at 2, pickups will appear as they did in their respective games. (Note: In spectator mode, weapons/uniques will always appear as set to 0)
samsara_cl_noadditivepickups: If set to 1, item pickups will not use additive translucency, primarily so bloom users are able to see them more easily.
samsara_cl_expparticles: Controls how many particles Ranger's exposives spew out. 0 means "use default". Use a negative number to disable them altogether.
samsara_cl_norecoil: Controls whether Ranger's weapons recoil.
samsara_cl_sinerecoil: Controls whether Ranger's downward recoil movement uses a sine wave, rather than a parabola.
samsara_cl_weaponhud: Controls whether the weapon bar at the top of your screen appears. Defaults to 1.
samsara_cl_vanilladoom: If set to 1, disables the smoother weapon animations for Doomguy.
samsara_cl_ballgag: If set to 1, prevents Duke's taunts from playing. Enjoy the silence.
samsara_cl_wolfmove: If set to 1, enables classic movement on B.J. and any addon characters that use his movement style.
samsara_cl_bloodyhell: A variety of blood effects to suit your preference. Set to -1 for happyfun sparkles mode, 0 for default blood, 1 for Nashgore mode, 2 for BlÖöDÿ BrÜtÄl mode.
samsara_cl_bloodypersistent: If set to 1, gore spawned from bloodyhell will not fade out.

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